New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


KjellNN replied on 05/12/2021 14:57

Posted on 05/12/2021 14:13 by Arch

 I would have thought the pitch irrespective if grass or hardstanding with a view, space and sunlight would trump any hardstanding next to the toilet disposal, I've been on many sites that have this type of pitch and feel sorry for the folk that end up there, I certainly look for a pitch that appeals to me HS or grass if weather is fair.

Posted on 05/12/2021 14:57

Must have been really close to the CDP if it was a problem.

We selected a pitch at the end of a row in Barnard Castle, to be close to filling and emptying facilities.   The CDP was at the end of the row, on the corner, but with a few shrubs and the usual low fence between it and  our pitch, absolutely no problem.

What we would want  to avoid is being opposite or beside the MH service area.  Quite a few owners think it is fine to keep engine idling while using or waiting to use the service point.

Arch replied on 05/12/2021 15:07

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:07

I'm sure we all know of the pitches we would want to avoid on various sites but in the future when we have less choice you have more chance of ending up on one.

SteveL replied on 05/12/2021 15:08

Posted on 05/12/2021 14:55 by JVB66

But that would go for any LV that is not using an awning ,,and as I asked JK if they would have, as now  , the option of taking it out of service,, to recover? but they do not now have what was called "off set" in the dash for cash by the later employed director?  which gave them "wriggle room" to allow a couple of "spare" pitches in case of any on site problems when they are full 


Posted on 05/12/2021 15:08

I agree it does apply to any LV not using an awning. We didn’t want to use such pitches when we had a caravan either. To me charging circa £30 for such a pitch in September, is taking the proverbial. Or any time of the year for that matter, just more of them in September.

JVB66 replied on 05/12/2021 15:12

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:08 by SteveL

I agree it does apply to any LV not using an awning. We didn’t want to use such pitches when we had a caravan either. To me charging circa £30 for such a pitch in September, is taking the proverbial.

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:12

It is even more difficult these days as the pegs can ot be moved on grass pitches  u less several can also to be moved to maintain regulation fire breaksfrown

JVB66 replied on 05/12/2021 15:16

Posted on 05/12/2021 14:13 by Arch

 I would have thought the pitch irrespective if grass or hardstanding with a view, space and sunlight would trump any hardstanding next to the toilet disposal, I've been on many sites that have this type of pitch and feel sorry for the folk that end up there, I certainly look for a pitch that appeals to me HS or grass if weather is fair.

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:16

We have used many pitches on many sites I. this clubs network but I must say we have never been on any site that the ccep has been that close to be the sort of problem you envisage,surprised

Tinwheeler replied on 05/12/2021 15:24

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:07 by Arch

I'm sure we all know of the pitches we would want to avoid on various sites but in the future when we have less choice you have more chance of ending up on one.

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:24

I don’t think that necessarily follows. It depends largely on arrival time but, arriving at the usual 1200/1300 frenzy time, you will have as much choice as you ever had. The bonus is that if you arrive later, you will still get the surface type of your choice.

You can please some of the people some of the time………. 😀

JVB66 replied on 05/12/2021 15:41

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:07 by Arch

I'm sure we all know of the pitches we would want to avoid on various sites but in the future when we have less choice you have more chance of ending up on one.

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:41

At busy times there is not often much choice of pitches what ever time or day you arrive Mon matter what type you will in the future chose even now,

My OH is in need of the use of  the disabled facilities which as the site  staff will advise we will look at what we have available a couple of idays before you arrive and will cone of a pitch as close as we can, ,

On a site recently the grass pitches were not in use but are nearest to the facilities unless a serviced pitch is booked (most stupid  place to put serviced pitches but drains were  nearyell)

We had a hardstand as near as possible which was about 250yds away ,

DavidKlyne replied on 05/12/2021 15:42

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:42

I am not sure I would encourage the Club to go down the road of booking specific pitches. That might be all well and good on sites where people book in multiples of a week at a time but the club doesn't really work like that. OK there are a lot of members who do stay a week or maybe two or three but would they want to be dictated to that they must arrive on a set day the week as is the usual case for many sites offering this option? With people arriving for all sorts of lengths of stay it would be very difficult to neatly dovetail everyone in the make the maximum use of occupancy. The biggest problem for me is, unless I have been to the site before, how do I select a pitch from a site map and know when I actually get to the site that it will suit me?


Arch replied on 05/12/2021 15:48

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:16 by JVB66

We have used many pitches on many sites I. this clubs network but I must say we have never been on any site that the ccep has been that close to be the sort of problem you envisage,surprised

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:48

Start Bay top row of hardstandings the far end of the row ccep about 3 mtrs off side of pitch where you would have awning and sit, no fence or hedge, there are more, look out for them next year.

Arch replied on 05/12/2021 15:53

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:53

 Download site plan, its pitch 5, pitch 46 is the same but theres a hedge, you would still have the smell.

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