New Site Booking System

DavidKlyne replied on 25/11/2021 11:54

Posted on 25/11/2021 11:54

The Club have released more details of the new Booking System here 

There are still finer details still to be arrived but the link (thanks Harry) sets out how the new system will work.

I have closed the previous thread on when we will get details of the new booking system and opened this one to allow comments specifically on the new system rather than discussing what they might be.


JVB66 replied on 12/01/2022 12:36

Posted on 12/01/2022 10:14 by cyberyacht

Migration from one database to a new system is a nightmare. I was involved in sorting out the glitches when the IFA company I worked for swapped to a new more sophisticated database. Not recommended for the aged, infirm and those of a nervous disposition. 

Posted on 12/01/2022 12:36

You have not offered your services to this club with respect of this websitecool

Arch replied on 12/01/2022 12:46

Posted on 12/01/2022 12:46

I don't think many have any intrest in how the data is transferred and I'm sure there will be far more capable people doing it than us, for me the majority of questions on how the new system will work have eventually been answered and time will tell if it's been of benefit to the club.

young thomas replied on 12/01/2022 14:36

Posted on 11/01/2022 21:36 by Cornersteady

From what I recall of the first time we all heard about this new system was a 'leak' on another forum from a then serving warden? He/she did sate that the system that was going to be used was a 'pre-loved' booking system and not bought or designed from scratch? Perhaps the current system can't 'talk' to the new one directly? 

This did and still does happen in schools for systems that record different things.

JK merely said there would be people transferring a years worth of bookings I'm not sure if that means manually or not?

Posted on 12/01/2022 14:36

"Perhaps the current system can't 'talk' to the new one directly?"

this is usually the case when migrating from one system to another...however, the 'talking' is made possibly by writing specifics 'transfer' programs that convert the old data to that which can be recognised by the new.

this is standard migration stuff that's been done for decades...

JVB66 replied on 12/01/2022 15:47

Posted on 12/01/2022 15:33 by cyberyacht

Sorry JVB, I'm now definitely aged and probably of a nervous disposition when comes to going through all that again.

Posted on 12/01/2022 15:47

I know how you feel with some things, it comes with our ages

As consultant we last saw

His two last  comments were," keep your wife as safe as possible and try to maintain your sanity "surprised

young thomas replied on 12/01/2022 15:55

Posted on 12/01/2022 15:46 by RedKite

My OH agrees with you BoleroBoy being ex IT.  Lets see what happens in April!!!

Posted on 12/01/2022 15:55

I started in IT in '71 and had been doing exactly what we are discussing for many years after that, before getting into managing the type of third party providers that are being discussed in the Ashridge Farm thread.

none of this is rocket science...whatever the systems and the latest architecture, the premise for data conversion and migration hasn't changed in the 50 years since I first got involved.

obbernockle replied on 12/01/2022 16:11

Posted on 12/01/2022 10:13 by JollyKernow


Firstly I can assure you there will never be a breach of membership data.

So, apologies if I've confused anyone. To me an army of people is maybe a dozen or so, that could of been written better! I think the idea is to have some volunteers helping the IT dept. to transfer the thousands of bookings, sorting pitch types etc in a timely fashion. Some of it is manual, I'm not privy as I'm not physically involved so I don't need to know details (information security and all that)

There's lots that I'm not entitled to post on a public forum but I'm trying to be informative when I can.




Posted on 12/01/2022 16:11

 Please excuse my ignorance of the club's personnel. I have no wish to be rude to anyone.

Is your assurance ("I can assure you") given on behalf of the club, or just your personal opinion?

Cornersteady replied on 12/01/2022 16:30

Posted on 12/01/2022 14:36 by young thomas

"Perhaps the current system can't 'talk' to the new one directly?"

this is usually the case when migrating from one system to another...however, the 'talking' is made possibly by writing specifics 'transfer' programs that convert the old data to that which can be recognised by the new.

this is standard migration stuff that's been done for decades...

Posted on 12/01/2022 16:30

The thing is some posters are saying it is easy and/or possible and some not? Perhaps the transfer programs are there?

For me I don't care really, it won't affect me in the slightest having booked all SP.

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