New booking system with deposits

JillwithaJay replied on 01/06/2022 15:32

Posted on 01/06/2022 15:32

I haven't seen any confirmation or otherwise regarding this but have just read it on Faceache with a date of 25th June being, allegedly, given by a member of site staff for implementation.


We are normally able to book for next June from today.
However this isn’t possible as the website is moving over to deposits in the next couple of weeks.
So at this time we cannot book anything for next June until the system is live.

peedee replied on 09/08/2022 06:35

Posted on 03/08/2022 14:37 by Arch

I've just looked at all the popular sites for Devon and Cornwall and there seems to be more or less full availability for August and September I've never seen this before and its been the same all season, would the club really launch the new booking system now when it needs bookings desperately.

Posted on 09/08/2022 06:35

It is not only Club sites which have empty pitches, from what I am hearing the commercial ones are not full either.


young thomas replied on 09/08/2022 09:42

Posted on 09/08/2022 09:42

I'm trying to get on a 'favourite' commercial in Devon (for g'kids) and it's totally rammed. Many pitch types but everything full till end September.

JVB66 replied on 09/08/2022 09:56

Posted on 09/08/2022 09:56

My daughter and her partner with his son have just returned from a camping holiday in Cornwall and as a special offer the site staff would bring a cooked breakfast to your tent 😀👍

sparky100 replied on 09/08/2022 11:43

Posted on 09/08/2022 11:43

I do think the timeing of the deposit not great as a lot of families are struggling and to pay a deposit now for next year will be hard .I do all so understand people block bookings and at the last minute pull out is very frustrating 


brue replied on 09/08/2022 11:51

Posted on 09/08/2022 09:56 by JVB66

My daughter and her partner with his son have just returned from a camping holiday in Cornwall and as a special offer the site staff would bring a cooked breakfast to your tent 😀👍

Posted on 09/08/2022 11:51

The "staff" on our present site are excellent too, early morning tea and singlehanded breakfasts at no extra cost....wink

We're on a THS, £11.50, nearly full but we'll spaced out, lovely views. We didn't pay a deposit for this one but even temporary sites and rallies often require a deposit. It does help to firm up costs.

Just hope the new CAMC system works without glitches. 🍀

JVB66 replied on 10/08/2022 11:46

Posted on 09/08/2022 11:43 by sparky100

I do think the timeing of the deposit not great as a lot of families are struggling and to pay a deposit now for next year will be hard .I do all so understand people block bookings and at the last minute pull out is very frustrating 


Posted on 10/08/2022 11:46

 Your post seems to reflect what some club site staff are also saying 

 Also Why introduce a new system with the glitches it will undoubtedly throw up at the (in the past ) busiest time of the year?🤔

The short time illuded to cancellation could have been solved by extending the from 72hrs to 21 days without going down the deposit route and destroying the USP or this club👍

DavidKlyne replied on 10/08/2022 12:05

Posted on 09/08/2022 11:43 by sparky100

I do think the timeing of the deposit not great as a lot of families are struggling and to pay a deposit now for next year will be hard .I do all so understand people block bookings and at the last minute pull out is very frustrating 


Posted on 10/08/2022 12:05

I suppose if things had gone to plan  we probably wouldn't be talking about this now as it would have been up and running for some months? Obviously when the club started to plan for this they couldn't have predicted the current crisis in both inflation and energy prices although i don't think they would have changed course? Unfortunately there will be those in the membership, as in all walks of life,who will struggle financially as a result of the crisis we now find ourselves in. If the future figures for energy prices become a fact those feeling the pinch could be even more widespread when it all becomes a reality. Having said that the Club has been an  outlier in not asking for deposits  and for many sites outside of Club networks it's fairly usual to pay a deposit and full payment weeks before arrival. Obviously we need to wait and see how the system pans out  but in the future if may mean that there is not so much need to book so far ahead which will allow people to judge their financial situation much near to when they want to go on holiday?


JVB66 replied on 10/08/2022 12:14

Posted on 10/08/2022 12:05 by DavidKlyne

I suppose if things had gone to plan  we probably wouldn't be talking about this now as it would have been up and running for some months? Obviously when the club started to plan for this they couldn't have predicted the current crisis in both inflation and energy prices although i don't think they would have changed course? Unfortunately there will be those in the membership, as in all walks of life,who will struggle financially as a result of the crisis we now find ourselves in. If the future figures for energy prices become a fact those feeling the pinch could be even more widespread when it all becomes a reality. Having said that the Club has been an  outlier in not asking for deposits  and for many sites outside of Club networks it's fairly usual to pay a deposit and full payment weeks before arrival. Obviously we need to wait and see how the system pans out  but in the future if may mean that there is not so much need to book so far ahead which will allow people to judge their financial situation much near to when they want to go on holiday?


Posted on 10/08/2022 12:14

It may well be the case that advance bookings to some sites may well need an incentive "lower prices?🤔) to encourage occupancy as hotels and package holidays dosurprised

young thomas replied on 10/08/2022 13:53

Posted on 10/08/2022 12:05 by DavidKlyne

I suppose if things had gone to plan  we probably wouldn't be talking about this now as it would have been up and running for some months? Obviously when the club started to plan for this they couldn't have predicted the current crisis in both inflation and energy prices although i don't think they would have changed course? Unfortunately there will be those in the membership, as in all walks of life,who will struggle financially as a result of the crisis we now find ourselves in. If the future figures for energy prices become a fact those feeling the pinch could be even more widespread when it all becomes a reality. Having said that the Club has been an  outlier in not asking for deposits  and for many sites outside of Club networks it's fairly usual to pay a deposit and full payment weeks before arrival. Obviously we need to wait and see how the system pans out  but in the future if may mean that there is not so much need to book so far ahead which will allow people to judge their financial situation much near to when they want to go on holiday?


Posted on 10/08/2022 13:53

David I've been involved in the implementation planning of many a large IT project and, for me, the impact on my then many customers.

Some projects do overrun (for various reasons) and for the largest, most complex ones affecting key business areas (anything to do with sales, delivery or money) Go Live dates got pushed back to quieter times as the company did not want to implement something key during peak business trading so why take the risk?

having said that, my Director was all over keeping other Board members aware of the situation through revised plans, taking them with the IT Department not railing against it. 

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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