Email regarding price increases

JillwithaJay replied on 21/03/2022 15:11

Posted on 21/03/2022 15:11

Anybody received this yet?

"We look forward to welcoming you shortly on our UK Club campsites.

Ahead of your arrival, we wanted to give you advance notice that we’ll be making a small increase to our UK Club campsite prices for stays between 5 April 2022 and 3 January 2023 inclusive.

The unfortunate and sad events which have engulfed the world in recent weeks have meant worldwide electricity costs have increased exponentially. In fact the Club's electricity costs are forecast to increase by an unprecedented amount of around 50% this year.

The fairest way for the Club to manage the rising cost of energy required to run our UK Club campsites is for all members to pay a little bit extra when staying with us this year. This small price increase will support the Club in the face of the rising cost of energy and also help ensure that we can continue to reinvest in improving the UK Club campsite network.

What this means for you:

The increase will be between 70p and £2.50 per night depending on the season and the campsite you are planning to stay on. These calculations are based on a standard touring pitch and two adults.
From 5 April 2022 you’ll be able to see the exact new price you’ll pay by logging into ‘My profile’ and clicking on the ‘My UK Sites Bookings’ section.

There’s no need for you to do anything, on arrival at the campsite you will be charged the appropriate amount.

We appreciate this price increase will not be welcomed, however we would like to share that members have saved over £12.5 million on stays at our UK Club campsite network since July 2020, as the Club passed on the full Government VAT rate saving to members.

We need your support to ensure our wonderful Club can continue to operate all of our amazing campsites at the same high standards during the busy summer season and into the winter, when we expect utility costs to rise further.

What can you do to help:

Below are a few hints and tips to help reduce the cost of electricity usage when you are staying on one of our campsites.

If you have a solar unit on your outfit please use it as much as possible
Make sure indoor and outside lights, any heating appliances and electrical equipment are all turned off when you go out for the day and overnight
We want members to enjoy many holidays with the Club this year, so thank you for your continued loyalty and support, and we wish you an enjoyable 2022 season of touring.

Best wishes
The Caravan and Motorhome Club"

Cornersteady replied on 23/03/2022 10:47

Posted on 23/03/2022 10:36 by Takethedogalong

We looked at a Club Site yesterday, for a midweek short break. Bear in mind it is still March, still lots of attractions, places to visit not yet fully open, and it’s cold up here in Yorkshire. Club want £28.50 per night. I have found a nice new small private site, with loos and showers for £19 per night. Guess where we are more likely to go? Serviced pitches as well🤷‍♀️

Posted on 23/03/2022 10:47

£28.50 sheer cheapness. I'll be paying £34.50 later this week!  smile

As to the guess TDA - the club site?

replied on 23/03/2022 10:58

Posted on 22/03/2022 20:55 by DavidKlyne

It depends what system is employed. I take your point about site staff needing to be involved as often receptions are closed as most of us leave in the morning! 

There are probably four methods that could be employed:-

1) A manual reading when you arrive and another when you leave. Very labour intensive and can cause delays in leaving whilst you wait for a member of staff to be available.

2) Electronic monitoring from reception. They make a note of which pitch you are on the day you arrive. On morning of departure you make your way to reception, they tell you how much you have used and you pay. Still requires reception staff to be available, probably all morning.

3) Coin operated electric connections. You plug your lead in  and hope the person before has left you some credit but otherwise you top up with coins. Perhaps a possibility that you could select an amount of Kw's and pay by card. Coins could be inconvenient to both members and staff.

4) A system where you buy preloaded cards in different denominations which you slot into the bollard and remove at the end of your stay with use deducted from the card memory. There would be a need for availability of such cards onsite, perhaps a vending machine? 

5) A more advance system could be that when you plug into the bollard it is locked in place, to be released by payment either by smart phone or credit card.

Any other ideas?



Posted on 23/03/2022 10:58

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replied on 23/03/2022 10:59

Posted on 23/03/2022 10:52 by peedee

Any ideas of price?

From Google, Rolec smart meters are available at about £43 plus VAT No doubt for large quantities the price would come down.


Posted on 23/03/2022 10:59

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Cornersteady replied on 23/03/2022 11:01

Posted on 23/03/2022 10:41 by EmilysDad

 with the way energy prices are going up, £80 would soon be recovered .... and lets face it £1.2million is a drop in the ocean for the club

Posted on 23/03/2022 11:01

I really can't see how at all? From where?

No matter how high prices go an owner can't charge more that that price to the end user. So  can charge an all inclusive fee pitch fee + EHU to cover the costs, or just pitch fee and the happy camper pays the electricity. There cannot be a profit for the owner to recover the outlay. For a CL it might be worth it for an easier life?

Perhaps but better spent on something that brings in income in my view?


Takethedogalong replied on 23/03/2022 11:03

Posted on 23/03/2022 10:47 by Cornersteady

£28.50 sheer cheapness. I'll be paying £34.50 later this week!  smile

As to the guess TDA - the club site?

Posted on 23/03/2022 11:03

😁 It’s one of our favourite Club Sites Corners, Bolton Abbey. But the small private Site is a new addition to one of our favourite CLs, so it’s nothing unknown to us, and this time, offers a better location for what we want to see and do. So, I think we will opt for the CL/private site this time. The serviced pitches are new to us, we last visited a couple of years ago.

We will pay a bit more for a pitch exactly where we want to be, but £28 when we are out off site in day isn’t good value for us. We can’t leave the heating on for a start….🤣🤣

Had we wanted to walk Bolton Abbey Estate, might have gone for Club Site😁


peedee replied on 23/03/2022 11:18

Posted on 23/03/2022 10:59 by

 I would think the installation work would dwarf the hardware costs Peedee. They are installing fibre optic cables in our street and there is a lot of digging burying and tarmac involved by a lot of men 

Posted on 23/03/2022 11:18

Yes there would be an instalation cost but not as complicated as you point out. There is certainly no need to lay cables of any descripiton. They say their meters can be retrofitted into most bollards. Other additional cost would be for the software and the cards. I would hope the software would be a one off cost for all meters installed on all sites. But as DD says its academic if the Club does not want it.


wellum1959 replied on 23/03/2022 11:29

Posted on 23/03/2022 11:29

Reading through the thread, it seems most people think it is all about energy usage rather than overall inflation.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the highest % increases at the usual busiest periods, high summer, easter and xmas.

Increased revenue when the sites are full rather than half empty.

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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