Electricity meters

davehurst replied on 19/04/2016 18:03

Posted on 19/04/2016 18:03

OK I know, i must be on one tonight but i feel certain comercial sites are trying to squeeze a few extra drops of blood out of us. I don't mind paying £3 for electricity but it starts to gring when sites start to charge £5 and £6 per night, as i have seen this year. It then really gets up my nose when they start to put us on a meter. I did 3 night at a site in Whitby over the winter period, i declined to pay the £5 per night fee for electricity and ran everything off my 12v leasure battery, even the T.V. and Satellite system. The only thing we could use was my wifes hair dryer. Even this had a plus point. We didn't need to fall out about the damned noise it made. 

Anyway, getting back to the point in hand, has anyone any input as to how much these meters charge ?. I know it all depends on how much power you use but i am looking for some constuctive input as to if these meters are fair or not.

Winter charges V Summer charges would be interesting.



Tinwheeler replied on 19/04/2016 20:18

Posted on 19/04/2016 20:18

Metered electricity can only be resold at the same price as it is bought for by the site operator. Infrastructure/maintenance costs cannot be added to the unit price. An all inclusive pitch fee (as per CC) does not have to state how much of that fee is for electricity. A fee for use of the EHU bollard/service pitch (as per C&CC) does not have to reflect the actual cost of electricity used.

agreed, is this what the OP meant?

Possibly, Corners, although he seems to cover several points.

Wildwood replied on 19/04/2016 20:20

Posted on 19/04/2016 20:20

If electricity is metered then the site cannot charge more than the unit cost but the cost of the meter will be in the site fee. Not sure about a flat fee for electricity being legal but if you are offered this it is up to you to decide if you feel it is for you.

Cornersteady replied on 19/04/2016 20:50

Posted on 19/04/2016 20:50

How about Club sites set up a help yourself bar - drink all you want for an all inclusive site pitch fee ? It would be madness. So is help yourself,  use all you want electricity. 

well many resterants, bars do that and seem to manage?

JVB66 replied on 19/04/2016 20:50

Posted on 19/04/2016 20:50

All very well having Meters if charges are fair and known up front. But what about people who have a bona fide medical condition who require medical equipment overnight such as a ventilator. This could result in discrimination claims!

how so?

Write your comments here...if you have a need for extra  electricity due to disability the you are discriminating due to disability!

...So what would be diferent than when at homeUndecided

Tinwheeler replied on 19/04/2016 20:57

Posted on 19/04/2016 20:57

If electricity is metered then the site cannot charge more than the unit cost but the cost of the meter will be in the site fee. Not sure about a flat fee for electricity being legal but if you are offered this it is up to you to decide if you feel it is for you.

A flat fee for use of the hook up facility is quite legal.

SELL replied on 19/04/2016 23:29

Posted on 19/04/2016 23:29

We stayed at a private site near Whitby a couple of years ago, there was a choice of prepaid electric fees in the site pitches or metered electric difference in fees was £3 per night, when we booked only the metered pitches were available cost us about £3 per day in electric only downside was you had make sure you had enough electric on the card to last the night as the shop didnt open until 9am

MichaelT replied on 20/04/2016 06:45

Posted on 20/04/2016 06:45

Off course it's fair to pay for what you use, the point i am making is are we using what they charge us for. Some sites charge £3 others charge £6 so who is the winner ?

I suppose that depends on what you use, but the same could be said about site fees.  Some people only ever usse their own WC and shower, but they are still paying the same site fees as those who use the site's WCs and showers all the time.

Write your comments here...and where does the water come from to shower in or the waste go to? It makes no difference to a site if you use the block or your own facilities the black has to be maintained and water useage is about the same maybe slightly less. 

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