Clubsite bookings 2021

rexandbellasdad replied on 29/12/2020 14:10

Posted on 29/12/2020 14:10

I'm not impressed by the fact that so many Clubsites are fully booked all summer, but only for weekends. This effectively precludes booking for any longer that 5 days middweek, which isn't long enough for a typical holiday. There needs to be a proportion of places on each Clubsite reserved for longer stays.

replied on 30/12/2020 13:20

Posted on 30/12/2020 12:25 by Takethedogalong

I completely fail to see what most of the fuss is about to be honest. You don’t change a very good booking system, and introduce deposits, simply to cater for a relatively small minority who either

a) need to get ruddy organised and think ahead,

or b) are so fixated on a certain Club Site, on a certain date, that any form of compromise is utterly out of the question?

Its down to the individual Member to sort themselves out, not to bang on endlessly wanting the Club to alter things to suit their individual circumstances. Sorry to be blunt, but reality often is.🤷‍♀️

Posted on 30/12/2020 13:20

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Tinwheeler replied on 30/12/2020 13:28

Posted on 30/12/2020 13:20 by

Although the last thing I want to do is spent much time on club sites  I can well see what the fuss is about from those who do. A booking system is in place that actively discriminates against full week booking in favour of weekenders. I does not happen in the commercial world where the priorities are different..

Posted on 30/12/2020 13:28

Can you explain, please, David, how the present system "...actively discriminates against full week booking in favour of weekenders"? I ask because I'm struggling to see that CAMC's system is anything other than equal to all people.🤷🏻‍♂️

peedee replied on 30/12/2020 13:34

Posted on 30/12/2020 12:25 by Takethedogalong

I completely fail to see what most of the fuss is about to be honest. You don’t change a very good booking system, and introduce deposits, simply to cater for a relatively small minority who either

a) need to get ruddy organised and think ahead,

or b) are so fixated on a certain Club Site, on a certain date, that any form of compromise is utterly out of the question?

Its down to the individual Member to sort themselves out, not to bang on endlessly wanting the Club to alter things to suit their individual circumstances. Sorry to be blunt, but reality often is.🤷‍♀️

Posted on 30/12/2020 13:34

How do you know it is a relatively small minority? Purely by the number of times the booking system comes in for criticism, I suspect it is much larger than you think.

The system will only change when the Club thinks or knows it is losing money, difficult for members to prove but from purely an individual point of view, they do lose money from me because I will not faff about waiting for cancellations, I simply look elsewhere and some site, other than a CMC one, gets my business.


Cornersteady replied on 30/12/2020 13:44

Posted on 30/12/2020 13:20 by

Although the last thing I want to do is spent much time on club sites  I can well see what the fuss is about from those who do. A booking system is in place that actively discriminates against full week booking in favour of weekenders. I does not happen in the commercial world where the priorities are different..

Posted on 30/12/2020 13:44

Having looked at a good few other non club commercial sites and I really can't see anything different in booking terms at all? Maybe a minimal number of nights, usually two at BH or weekends (but having a two night minimum won't stop weekenders and the other club does that too) but that is all? They all appear to follow the same as the club? I haven't found one that favours long stays? Could you provide a link to one?

Could you explain how commercial sites have different priorities? or show one commercial site that is different to the club's booking approach?

Also how is the club not in the commercial world? You make it sound as if the club has some government subsidy or uses underhand methods to get people on their sites? But the fact is the anyone can copy the club's approach. Another fact is that it has a business model that make it very successful. But again any other site owner is free to copy it.

Rufs replied on 30/12/2020 13:44

Posted on 30/12/2020 13:44

"but from purely an individual point of view, they do lose money from me because I will not faff about waiting for cancellations, I simply look elsewhere and some site, other than a CMC one, gets my business."

two's up on this laughing

Cornersteady replied on 30/12/2020 13:50

Posted on 30/12/2020 13:34 by peedee

How do you know it is a relatively small minority? Purely by the number of times the booking system comes in for criticism, I suspect it is much larger than you think.

The system will only change when the Club thinks or knows it is losing money, difficult for members to prove but from purely an individual point of view, they do lose money from me because I will not faff about waiting for cancellations, I simply look elsewhere and some site, other than a CMC one, gets my business.


Posted on 30/12/2020 13:50

Purely by the number of times the booking system comes in for criticism

But where does this happen PD, on here? If so a very small minority compared those that use club sites, also it is the same people who complain in my view and it is always those that cannot get their own way.

Another fun point is that it is those that use club sites the least who complain the most and want changes the most to get their own way?

Actually what criticism does the booking system come in for? 

I would say (even those it is a small sample) that there are more criticism about not being to get a pitch rather than the booking system? 

Cornersteady replied on 30/12/2020 13:52

Posted on 30/12/2020 13:44 by Rufs

"but from purely an individual point of view, they do lose money from me because I will not faff about waiting for cancellations, I simply look elsewhere and some site, other than a CMC one, gets my business."

two's up on this laughing

Posted on 30/12/2020 13:52

But the club overall will not lose money, someone will buy that pitch if not you?

replied on 30/12/2020 14:06

Posted on 30/12/2020 14:06

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Rufs replied on 30/12/2020 14:27

Posted on 30/12/2020 13:52 by Cornersteady

But the club overall will not lose money, someone will buy that pitch if not you?

Posted on 30/12/2020 14:27

dont disagree with you, but there again dont agree with you , can you be 100 pct sure that someone will buy the pitch that i did not book, bit of a conundrum me thinks undecided

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