Clubsite bookings 2021

rexandbellasdad replied on 29/12/2020 14:10

Posted on 29/12/2020 14:10

I'm not impressed by the fact that so many Clubsites are fully booked all summer, but only for weekends. This effectively precludes booking for any longer that 5 days middweek, which isn't long enough for a typical holiday. There needs to be a proportion of places on each Clubsite reserved for longer stays.

Justus2 replied on 30/12/2020 11:18

Posted on 30/12/2020 11:18

There seems to be many on here that are more confident of normality returning much sooner than we think it will..... We have little confidence of lockdowns and restrictions being removed for some months yet, perhaps due to those who continue to break existing rules or many saying the vaccine isn't for them. This does not encourage us to book anything at all, so for the moment our van remains on the drive, declared SORN / untaxed, and the number of bookings we have made for 2021 as yet remains a big fat zero... This will continue until our confidence in things being safer and restrictions to travel are lifted.

Rufs replied on 30/12/2020 11:51

Posted on 29/12/2020 19:56 by Cornersteady

actually, and not boasting, but £20 per booking isn't that much to lose if you can't make it and no inducement to tell the club you're not going to turn up - more no shows.

You use CLs then?

Posted on 30/12/2020 11:51

Booked 1 month on a site in Devon as we left the site last September, had to pay £35 deposit, if we cant go for whatever reason we will loose £35 and if we do not cxl within 6 weeks of the booking taking place you have to pay the full whack.

You can buy insurance to cover this for a minimal cost just in case you take ill etc. Have no qualms about loosing the £35, full 4 weeks would be a kick in the pants.

Not a great fan of club sites, so how they are booked or not booked is not a concern for me.laughing

replied on 30/12/2020 11:57

Posted on 30/12/2020 11:57

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DavidKlyne replied on 30/12/2020 11:57

Posted on 30/12/2020 11:57

Yet another option for consideration would be for card details to be registered at time of booking and the payment taken seven days before arrival. That could have several advantages not least it would save the need for payment on arrival which would save on the time it takes to book in at reception. It would mean only one transaction charge whereas a deposit would require two. If the payment was taken seven days before arrival it would mean people would really have to think about cancelling their booking sooner which would help with availability. There would obviously have to be some system in place to deal with genuine emergencies for people unable to honour their paid for booking.


JVB66 replied on 30/12/2020 12:08

Posted on 30/12/2020 12:08

One of the answers at the AGM advised that the booking system was being  looked at , ,and more information would be forth coming as to what was going to happen , ,so until then, what ever is proposed from this forum,  which seems is not up with Face ache in the league of how it is "noticed?" by the club is not likely to be taken notice of ,undecided

JVB66 replied on 30/12/2020 12:15

Posted on 30/12/2020 11:57 by

This year and last for the first time in very many years we seen first hand  the effects of easy booking and cancellation. Early in 2019  we spent three nights on a site that when I asked for a pitch move the the warden thought might be difficult as he was expecting to be full, it wasn't. This year we took  the van on two trips using CAMC sites and in both cases it took multiple bookings to extend a mid week to include a Friday and one Saturday. Both times when those previously booked up days arrived there was significant space on the sites that could only have come from cancellations.

It makes little difference to me personally but the very British appetite for caravanning weekends does without doubt distort booking systems when there is no penalty for last minute cancellations or simply "no show"  

Posted on 30/12/2020 12:15

The "no shows" have markedly reduced(i am informed)  since the deposit system has been dropped, it seems in the minds of members,,they have a "black mark" against them ,when the auto email/letter is recieved and with the third  time also e the advise that all future  bookings for that year have been removed/cancelled 

As posted before there are multiple reasons that "empty?" pitches may be noticed on sites when the wegbsite shows full

Takethedogalong replied on 30/12/2020 12:25

Posted on 30/12/2020 12:25

I completely fail to see what most of the fuss is about to be honest. You don’t change a very good booking system, and introduce deposits, simply to cater for a relatively small minority who either

a) need to get ruddy organised and think ahead,

or b) are so fixated on a certain Club Site, on a certain date, that any form of compromise is utterly out of the question?

Its down to the individual Member to sort themselves out, not to bang on endlessly wanting the Club to alter things to suit their individual circumstances. Sorry to be blunt, but reality often is.🤷‍♀️

Cornersteady replied on 30/12/2020 12:29

Posted on 30/12/2020 12:25 by Takethedogalong

I completely fail to see what most of the fuss is about to be honest. You don’t change a very good booking system, and introduce deposits, simply to cater for a relatively small minority who either

a) need to get ruddy organised and think ahead,

or b) are so fixated on a certain Club Site, on a certain date, that any form of compromise is utterly out of the question?

Its down to the individual Member to sort themselves out, not to bang on endlessly wanting the Club to alter things to suit their individual circumstances. Sorry to be blunt, but reality often is.🤷‍♀️

Posted on 30/12/2020 12:29

yes +1 all round

AnnB replied on 30/12/2020 12:58

Posted on 30/12/2020 12:25 by Takethedogalong

I completely fail to see what most of the fuss is about to be honest. You don’t change a very good booking system, and introduce deposits, simply to cater for a relatively small minority who either

a) need to get ruddy organised and think ahead,

or b) are so fixated on a certain Club Site, on a certain date, that any form of compromise is utterly out of the question?

Its down to the individual Member to sort themselves out, not to bang on endlessly wanting the Club to alter things to suit their individual circumstances. Sorry to be blunt, but reality often is.🤷‍♀️

Posted on 30/12/2020 12:58


I can’t see that it’s a major problem and I’m sure I remember when cancellations and speculative bookings has been raised in the past that the club reply was the numbers were minimal.

Our personal circumstances are such that even as a retired couple we can’t book too far in advance or for lengthy spells away (caring responsibilities for my 90 year old Mother in Law). However we manage quite well, avoiding the hot spots and being flexible.

On the rare occasions we have wanted a particular site/date then we plan ahead (Southport Airshow a few years ago is an example).


Wherenext replied on 30/12/2020 13:15

Posted on 30/12/2020 12:25 by Takethedogalong

I completely fail to see what most of the fuss is about to be honest. You don’t change a very good booking system, and introduce deposits, simply to cater for a relatively small minority who either

a) need to get ruddy organised and think ahead,

or b) are so fixated on a certain Club Site, on a certain date, that any form of compromise is utterly out of the question?

Its down to the individual Member to sort themselves out, not to bang on endlessly wanting the Club to alter things to suit their individual circumstances. Sorry to be blunt, but reality often is.🤷‍♀️

Posted on 30/12/2020 13:15

I do wish you would stop this faffing around and let us know what you really think.🤷‍♂️😂

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