Clubsite bookings 2021

rexandbellasdad replied on 29/12/2020 14:10

Posted on 29/12/2020 14:10

I'm not impressed by the fact that so many Clubsites are fully booked all summer, but only for weekends. This effectively precludes booking for any longer that 5 days middweek, which isn't long enough for a typical holiday. There needs to be a proportion of places on each Clubsite reserved for longer stays.

Cornersteady replied on 06/01/2021 08:51

Posted on 05/01/2021 22:28 by Phishing
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Posted on 06/01/2021 08:51

Your resistance to considering change appears to be clouding your logic

sorry what change are you referring to? I simply said I buy things I like rather than post about changing things (clubs, products) I don't like into things I do, what change and what logic?

Because they use the sites the least due to not being able to get available booking slots so many like me just give up and use other alternatives.

Again you appear to be speaking for them, what is your evidence that this is true? There could be a whole host of other reasons?

But yes as said above, you appear to wanting something and because you can't get it easily enough you want the system to change to suit you? Never mind your fellow members who perhaps will lose out on weekends. I ask is that fair to them?

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