Clubsite bookings 2021

rexandbellasdad replied on 29/12/2020 14:10

Posted on 29/12/2020 14:10

I'm not impressed by the fact that so many Clubsites are fully booked all summer, but only for weekends. This effectively precludes booking for any longer that 5 days middweek, which isn't long enough for a typical holiday. There needs to be a proportion of places on each Clubsite reserved for longer stays.

Phishing replied on 05/01/2021 17:51

Posted on 04/01/2021 10:05 by Takethedogalong

Phish, I have some sympathy with what you are saying in terms of it’s difficult if you have relatively unknown dates for your holidays, until Summer gets closer. But you could do what we used to do, book a couple of periods provisionally, across the possible weeks, and then tweak them at a later date. This Club allows you, anyone, to do that without penalty at the moment, and it is possibly what quite a few folks do without making a fuss about it. We worked with a very nice CL owner who understood our holiday predicament, but also knew that throughout the year, we would spend days, weeks, months on their Site, spending our holiday money with them. That was on a five pitch Site, and it worked for us.

If you only get your holiday dates a few weeks notice, then that is very difficult, but is a term of employment you have accepted and wanting to change the system to accommodate you isn’t the way forward. That needs compromise.

I too hope you get sorted out for a nice break.

Posted on 05/01/2021 17:51

 I always get sorted using CLs, affiliated sites, or independent operators, virtually never club sites. I would like to use club sites but there are better alternatives for me that have a modern booking system that confirms my booking, and pitch. Some have online pitch selection using a virtual walk around, its like magic.  And yes, I have to book early as any good site sells out quickly but not 12 months in advance.

And no, I will not book random dates and slowly fill the missing nights by phoning some chap every week to see if I have been jumped up the queue, my time for booking is limited and my leisure time is limited and very precious and most of all its not the 1960s any more.

Cornersteady replied on 05/01/2021 18:12

Posted on 05/01/2021 17:51 by Phishing

 I always get sorted using CLs, affiliated sites, or independent operators, virtually never club sites. I would like to use club sites but there are better alternatives for me that have a modern booking system that confirms my booking, and pitch. Some have online pitch selection using a virtual walk around, its like magic.  And yes, I have to book early as any good site sells out quickly but not 12 months in advance.

And no, I will not book random dates and slowly fill the missing nights by phoning some chap every week to see if I have been jumped up the queue, my time for booking is limited and my leisure time is limited and very precious and most of all its not the 1960s any more.

Posted on 05/01/2021 18:12

Going by your first paragraph, and especially :

...virtually never club sites. I would like to use club sites but there are better alternatives for me that have a modern booking system that confirms my booking, and pitch

I really don't know what and why you keep posting about not been able to use a club site and how frustrating it is for you? You appear all you have all you want already? Also if you use club site virtually never how do you know members are frustrated with the bookings?

However it does confirm my first (inverse square) law of CT. Those that use club site the least want the most changes.  

replied on 05/01/2021 18:56

Posted on 05/01/2021 18:12 by Cornersteady

Going by your first paragraph, and especially :

...virtually never club sites. I would like to use club sites but there are better alternatives for me that have a modern booking system that confirms my booking, and pitch

I really don't know what and why you keep posting about not been able to use a club site and how frustrating it is for you? You appear all you have all you want already? Also if you use club site virtually never how do you know members are frustrated with the bookings?

However it does confirm my first (inverse square) law of CT. Those that use club site the least want the most changes.  

Posted on 05/01/2021 18:56

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Cornersteady replied on 05/01/2021 19:25

Posted on 05/01/2021 18:56 by

I (as one whom uses CAMC sites only rarely) find your law of CT a statement  of the blindingly obvious. Of course those who use the sites most are going to be the same group who are happiest  with its offerings and are least likely  to seek change. Personally I think they are ok for the odd night even if overpriced  and under featured.

Posted on 05/01/2021 19:25

I agree that those who are happy with something, anything, will not generally want any change, but that is not the point of my first law of CT and not at all what I stated anyway, I think you have hastily misinterpreted it.

My law is, why those that use club sites the the least want the greatest changes. Why?

If I'm not happy with something I simple don't use it or buy it. Does anyone?. That is certainly blindingly obvious as you would say.

I simply use or buy something I do like. What I do not do is post (at great length then admit I virtually never use) about changing the thing I don't like into something I do.


replied on 05/01/2021 22:18

Posted on 05/01/2021 22:18

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JVB66 replied on 05/01/2021 22:45

Posted on 05/01/2021 22:28 by Phishing
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Posted on 05/01/2021 22:45

Your reasoning? as to not being able to get available booking slots  why? so go elsewhere , just shows if you mean unavailabe when booking late it seems,  the clubs are doing better than those who have availabilty,  for the few who have to take a less attractive choice

Tinwheeler replied on 05/01/2021 22:55

Posted on 05/01/2021 22:55

Phish, you are very selective in your replies. You have ignored other posts making logical points. You also refuse to help yourself by making a bit more effort to secure the bookings you want because it's too time consuming. I'm afraid you're coming across as not willing to apply a bit of give and take.

I hope you get the bookings you want but you really need to put your thoughts directly to the club if you want things changed to suit you.

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