Clubsite bookings 2021

rexandbellasdad replied on 29/12/2020 14:10

Posted on 29/12/2020 14:10

I'm not impressed by the fact that so many Clubsites are fully booked all summer, but only for weekends. This effectively precludes booking for any longer that 5 days middweek, which isn't long enough for a typical holiday. There needs to be a proportion of places on each Clubsite reserved for longer stays.

Cornersteady replied on 03/01/2021 20:22

Posted on 03/01/2021 18:17 by Phishing

Steve, yes this suits you, I understand this. But you also have to understand that the members who work and have fixed holidays which their employer has not yet told them the dates, or people who have care responsibility and need to make arrangements that booking next year is not possible. 

I resent the implication that we are in some way lazy in booking, booking what, the whole of the summer because we genuinely do not know what dates we can travel.

You also have to accept that by booking a lot of sites for a short period that you restrict the availability of those who do work to book weeks or fortnight breaks. I am not critical in that, I wish i had the flexibility to travel as much as you.

I get frustrated that whenever I look for the longer breaks as they are usually blocked by weekenders, I accept this but you have to accept that this is frustrating for a lot of the membership. And I am not doing it again but last time this was debated I demonstrated that 10 popular sites had no complete weeks between June and November. I accept this was for 2020 which was an exceptional year.

This could be resolved very swiftly by every member booking all their possible requirements when the dates are released, I feel a facebook campaign coming on. What then, total stalemate of the booking system.

At the moment the club own the lifejacket concession on the deck of the titanic, they are going to sell their product. 

If you think that the club would not sell vacant pitches then as a membership we should be given the facts to understand this. What is the occupancy levels, by month, by pitch type, and what % of the membership use the sites, what is the level of cancellation.

I know this will never happen for no other reason than I do not think they have statistical analysis of booking trends across their business or understand how the demographic of the membership uses their services.



Posted on 03/01/2021 20:22

members who work and have fixed holidays which their employer has not yet told them the dates, or people who have care responsibility and need to make arrangements that booking next year is not possible.

But that applies at all booking any type of holiday club or not, why the club be different to suit you personally? membership of a club does not grant one the exclusive use at all times when you want it?

Do you write similar posts on all hotels/Thompsons/other holiday companies. or just the club?

but you have to accept that this is frustrating for a lot of the membership.

Really how do you know this is anywhere near  true, where is your evidence, the posts on here?

they are going to sell their product.

Well and what else should a business do? What do you expect not sell their products?

If you think that the club would not sell vacant pitches then as a membership we should be given the facts to understand this. What is the occupancy levels, by month, by pitch type, and what % of the membership use the sites, what is the level of cancellation.

why? and do you ask this of other travel hotels holidays companies when you can't get a booking you want? Would you ask that of any a gym or example when you couldn't get in? What about a golf club? Squash club?


Sorry but it appears to be a case of you wanting a club site and complain when you can't. It happens to all, even me if I leave it too late. As you don't appear to get your monies worth or like the way the club is run why are you a member? serious question?

SteveL replied on 03/01/2021 23:16

Posted on 03/01/2021 23:16

Steve, yes this suits you, I understand this. But you also have to understand that the members who work and have fixed holidays which their employer has not yet told them the dates, or people who have care responsibility and need to make arrangements that booking next year is not possible.

We have been a member for 16 years. For the first 10 we had similar issues. Now we don't have any constraints other than our health. I'm afraid you have to work within your own situation, not expect the situation to be adapted to suit.

When we worked we also booked a lot of 3 day weekend breaks, as I would imagine a lot of working folk do. These were generally not at our first choice site, as we couldn't book far enough ahead.

Phishing replied on 03/01/2021 23:32

Posted on 03/01/2021 20:22 by Cornersteady

members who work and have fixed holidays which their employer has not yet told them the dates, or people who have care responsibility and need to make arrangements that booking next year is not possible.

But that applies at all booking any type of holiday club or not, why the club be different to suit you personally? membership of a club does not grant one the exclusive use at all times when you want it?

Do you write similar posts on all hotels/Thompsons/other holiday companies. or just the club?

but you have to accept that this is frustrating for a lot of the membership.

Really how do you know this is anywhere near  true, where is your evidence, the posts on here?

they are going to sell their product.

Well and what else should a business do? What do you expect not sell their products?

If you think that the club would not sell vacant pitches then as a membership we should be given the facts to understand this. What is the occupancy levels, by month, by pitch type, and what % of the membership use the sites, what is the level of cancellation.

why? and do you ask this of other travel hotels holidays companies when you can't get a booking you want? Would you ask that of any a gym or example when you couldn't get in? What about a golf club? Squash club?


Sorry but it appears to be a case of you wanting a club site and complain when you can't. It happens to all, even me if I leave it too late. As you don't appear to get your monies worth or like the way the club is run why are you a member? serious question?

Posted on 03/01/2021 23:32

But that applies at all booking any type of holiday club or not, why the club be different to suit you personally? membership of a club does not grant one the exclusive use at all times when you want it?

No it doesn't, no other business or organization allows me to book as many holidays as I possibly need and then cancel at will without punitive damages. I am pretty sure Thompsons would have very high bookings and limited availability if they allowed their customers to book whatever they want and cancel days before they travel. They don't because it would be very inefficient way of running a travel business. It is really bad way to operate when booking algorithms and analytics are used by any travel business of this size.

why? and do you ask this of other travel hotels holidays companies when you can't get a booking you want? Would you ask that of any a gym or example when you couldn't get in? What about a golf club? Squash club?

Because this is run as a club and it is fair and reasonable for the executive to report to the membership the strategy and targets for their key activities and allow scrutiny of the achievement of those targets.

As you don't appear to get your monies worth or like the way the club is run why are you a member? serious question?

I am a member because I use some of the clubs services which I value. I never said I do not get value and as a member I have the right to question the policies and operation of the club. 

Same old response, it suits us so go away, the weekends remain choked by the few.


Phishing replied on 03/01/2021 23:43

Posted on 03/01/2021 23:16 by SteveL

Steve, yes this suits you, I understand this. But you also have to understand that the members who work and have fixed holidays which their employer has not yet told them the dates, or people who have care responsibility and need to make arrangements that booking next year is not possible.

We have been a member for 16 years. For the first 10 we had similar issues. Now we don't have any constraints other than our health. I'm afraid you have to work within your own situation, not expect the situation to be adapted to suit.

When we worked we also booked a lot of 3 day weekend breaks, as I would imagine a lot of working folk do. These were generally not at our first choice site, as we couldn't book far enough ahead.

Posted on 03/01/2021 23:43

Steve, if you dont see that your own post totally explains the frustration and the dreadful inequality then I will never convince you.

I'm afraid you have to work within your own situation, not expect the situation to be adapted to suit.

Why, the club exists for its membership and will die with them if they do not change. The generation after me are not blessed with your loyalty or patience, they just move on.



Tinwheeler replied on 04/01/2021 00:00

Posted on 04/01/2021 00:00

I fear nothing will convince you, Phish, so I'll just reiterate that the weekenders are probably working folk like yourself who won't thank you for wanting to restrict bookings. I'll also add that the club exists for all its members which is why it applies a fair booking policy and doesn't impose restrictions.

Takethedogalong replied on 04/01/2021 10:05

Posted on 04/01/2021 10:05

Phish, I have some sympathy with what you are saying in terms of it’s difficult if you have relatively unknown dates for your holidays, until Summer gets closer. But you could do what we used to do, book a couple of periods provisionally, across the possible weeks, and then tweak them at a later date. This Club allows you, anyone, to do that without penalty at the moment, and it is possibly what quite a few folks do without making a fuss about it. We worked with a very nice CL owner who understood our holiday predicament, but also knew that throughout the year, we would spend days, weeks, months on their Site, spending our holiday money with them. That was on a five pitch Site, and it worked for us.

If you only get your holiday dates a few weeks notice, then that is very difficult, but is a term of employment you have accepted and wanting to change the system to accommodate you isn’t the way forward. That needs compromise.

I too hope you get sorted out for a nice break.

JVB66 replied on 04/01/2021 10:40

Posted on 04/01/2021 10:40

Over the very many years we have been members of this club ,there have always been those who complain about weekends always full? 

What as site staff will explain is not block bookings, of weekends ,but most are by longer stay members as they will arrive Friday,Sat or Sunday for between 7to-14nights leaving on a Saturday  or Sunday to travel on or home,"blocking" weekends as some do not understand, could be 3 weekends

 Some sites in close proximity of high populations (2hr journey?)  then they could well be popular with those who work Monday to Friday and want some time away without long journies,

 With this being such a small island with a growing LV hobby population then it may well be more of a problem without more sites coming on stream (if the NIMBYs allow)

Amesford replied on 04/01/2021 10:56

Posted on 04/01/2021 10:56

The booking system was changed a while ago as it was deemed that the present system would be fairer than the then old December booking stampede when we sat in a queue on the PC to make our booking then re join the queue to make another. We of course are now able to use the system to our advantage  and book well ahead we don't cancel but we are able to tweak our booking if needed and to be honest I can't see  deposits making much difference as I'm afraid this lark is getting too popular ie yesterday the last couple on earth I would have thought would join us phoned us to say they had bought a campervan 

Takethedogalong replied on 04/01/2021 11:07

Posted on 04/01/2021 11:07

We recognised change was coming over 20 years ago. We used to hitch up, roll down to Marazion, get a pitch, that was it. Then one year, we saw the “Site Full” sign go up. 2001 it was. So I booked a few weeks ahead after that, until we eventually dropped on a nice CL. That was booked up solid from May through to October, so we recognised the need to become very pro active to get what we needed. Never failed in the following 13 years we were still at work, and my OH only got his leave allocation in New Year. It’s nothing new, you deal with it, one way or another.

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