Adding CL Hookups where grid power is lacking

jtq4u replied on 12/04/2018 13:41

Posted on 12/04/2018 13:41

Hi All,

I'm a keen CL user, frequenting this type of site far more than the caravan club sites themselves.   In fact I was at one in Bognor just last week (although on their driveway rather than the field because there was so much flooding!).

I much prefer sites where there is hookup, as it saves the issues of keeping a battery topped up.  I know a lot of people have solar these days, but also a lot don't. Also the Fridge uses a fair bit of gas.

I was chatting to one Cl owner who said it would cost £10,000 to get a power supply to his house strong enough to supply the CL field.  he currently only had a standard domestic supply to his house.

So I had a couple of questions for the community:

1.  Is this a blocking issue for a lot of CLs - that they don't have enough supply to their property to supply the potential 80 Amps for hookups (or even slightly less if the site is only open in summer and you assume they are not all used at the same time).

2.  Would CL users be interested in having hookups designed for mainly charging the battery + powering the fridge, with the occasional kettle boil?

Why do I Ask??
In my day job for a large company, I work as a problem solver and inventor with a number of patents. Outside of work I also like to solve these problems too!

I already have a smart device I fabricated in our caravan which automatically turns off the electric fire when you turn on other high power things like a kettle.. then turns the fire back on afterwards - which I find so handy!

For the CLs I could also design something to solve the problem if it was likely to be popular.  it could work like this:

- Everyone gets a normal hookup socket and is allowed say 500W (enough for the battery charger, the Fridge and phone chargers + TV)

- The hookup bollard will sense anyone trying to take more than 500w and lock them out for a period of time.  when reconnecting after lockout, if they are still overloading, it might increase the lock out each time, and/or permanently lockout after a certain number of overuses - requiring a button on the hookup post to be pressed.

This can be extended another clever way:

- Three lights on the bollard Red, Amber, Green.  
    - Red means you are locked out
    - Green means you can take 2kw briefly (10 mins) if you want.
    - Amber means you can use your 500w but not take more 
      (someone else is having a 2kw 10 minute session or you had one too recently).

- So basically people are forced to take it in turns to have 2kw.. in 10 minute sessions
  each time you've had a session you have to wait some period of time before you can
  have another session (your bollard stays amber).  When someone else is having a session
  again your bollard is amber.  When you can have a session your bollard is green.
  during amber times you can still have your 500w.

With a design like this the maximum the site will ever draw is 500w x 4 + 2000w
and usually much less - as people can't leave fires or water heaters on because of the 10 minute limitation.  It will just be for hair drying, microwaving, kettle boiling.  small time loads.
So the maximum demand will be around 17 amps.  With the average load being much less.. Probably about 6 amps over night.

This will mean that sites can supply that from the spare capacity on most houses.  Also the cost of the electricity used will be a lot less than traditional hookup sites.

For sites with even more limited supply a design could easily be made that worked on a single 13Amp plugtop from the farm.  Each van is allowed 400 watts, and the shared peak 10min load of 1500w.

I wonder if my idea would be of interest to CL owners and equally important CL users?
If so I could look into crowd funding it.

Anyhow thoughts if you please!



Metheven replied on 12/04/2018 13:56

Posted on 12/04/2018 13:56

I love simplicity and after pitching I just want to do and use what is available to me in my van, I don't want to have to resort to mental arithmetic or thoughts on balancing loads at certain periods in time.

No, it's not for me and as yet due to planning I have yet to encounter a problem, the present system works for me with minimal thought processes involved.

Full marks on the idea though 👍

jtq4u replied on 12/04/2018 14:11

Posted on 12/04/2018 13:56 by Metheven

I love simplicity and after pitching I just want to do and use what is available to me in my van, I don't want to have to resort to mental arithmetic or thoughts on balancing loads at certain periods in time.

No, it's not for me and as yet due to planning I have yet to encounter a problem, the present system works for me with minimal thought processes involved.

Full marks on the idea though 👍

Posted on 12/04/2018 14:11

Hi Metheven,

Thanks for the reply, it is very useful to hear views on my off the wall ideas. It may well be it is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.  That can often be the case with ideas!

I may have made it sound over complex of course, us implementation types can often do that.. talking about the innards of the invention.

In reality as a user you shouldn't have to do any calculations or balancing of loads.
There's a simple rule really - if it makes things hot then the light must be green"  no need for maths :-)

That this is only for sites that currently offer nothing (due to limitations of their own supply).  Not for sites that have ample power to share. so it is a step up from nothing rather than a step back from what we already have.



JVB66 replied on 12/04/2018 14:13

Posted on 12/04/2018 14:13

Your post has hilighted for those who complain about the cost of cls going up,the costs of setting up EHUs on CLs will be above the cost of just running in the supply and then every one now wants hardstands as wellsurprised

jtq4u replied on 12/04/2018 14:21

Posted on 12/04/2018 14:13 by JVB66

Your post has hilighted for those who complain about the cost of cls going up,the costs of setting up EHUs on CLs will be above the cost of just running in the supply and then every one now wants hardstands as wellsurprised

Posted on 12/04/2018 14:21

Yes sadly the cost of installing a hookup is not often just running the power in cable from a house/outbuilding.  Sometimes (perhaps often) the premises don't have capacity for the extra load and so it costs CLs too much.

I am kind of hoping that if the idea was to work it would mean more CLs could add hookups at a much reduced cost - if they wanted to! 

There's not much money for me to make in the idea (which is why I am happy to share it in the open) because the market is quite small.  Its more me being interested in helping solve the issue - if it exists!

hard standing - I am quite happy for a bit of grass to rest my tyres on. Equally I don't feel the need for a toilet block.  But I do quite like having hookup to keep the battery charged and the fridge running.


brue replied on 12/04/2018 14:23

Posted on 12/04/2018 14:23

It's always good to get your brain in action for a bit of problem solving but I wonder how many of us use solar off EHU as we do? It's a very successful addition to our van and I suspect it has become very popular negating the need for always having EHU. smile

Tinwheeler replied on 12/04/2018 14:24

Posted on 12/04/2018 14:24

I wonder just how much would be saved by the CL owner in installing your system as opposed to a full 10 or 16amp supply to each pitch, jtq.

It does sound rather complicated and would surely need more gadgetry than the usual type of EHU. There would also seem to be more bits to go wrong which would increase repair and maintenance costs.

I'd have thought that when installing the necessary cabling, bollards etc it would be just as well to go the whole hog and put in normal hook up points.

People want all or nothing as far as I can see and I’m with Metheven in not wanting the faff of this. In fact, I’d go elsewhere to avoid it. Sorry.


jtq4u replied on 12/04/2018 14:29

Posted on 12/04/2018 14:29

I think @Metheven has indeed highlighted that my description is too complex for the users.. I think for the users the question is:

On a site with no hookup currently would you be interested in a hookup which let you do everything except hot things, and then indicated via a light times when you could also do hot things (kettle/toaster/microwave)

This is probably the description from a users point of view ;-)

If nothing else the forum has already helped me phrase the question better!!! very cool.


jtq4u replied on 12/04/2018 14:33

Posted on 12/04/2018 14:23 by brue

It's always good to get your brain in action for a bit of problem solving but I wonder how many of us use solar off EHU as we do? It's a very successful addition to our van and I suspect it has become very popular negating the need for always having EHU. smile

Posted on 12/04/2018 14:33

very true.  And that is a point worth considering generally when CLs are considering adding hookup.

I am sure I recall the club quoting how many extra nights a hook-up site gets vs a non hookup one.  It would be interesting to hear how this has changed as Solar has become so much more affordable.

Does your solar allow enough feed in to the battery in order to run the fridge on battery over night?  
I expect a decent solar install is sufficient to cope with 3 or 4 hrs tv and light usage a night (lets not go off topic on amount of tv watched ;-) ).


Metheven replied on 12/04/2018 14:37

Posted on 12/04/2018 14:37

For me James, I want to do 'hot things' when I decide and not when a time is allocated or allowed. I want my leisure time to be exactly that without added complications.

I am sure there are those out there that do enjoy off grid/semi off grid and perhaps coupled with cheaper pitch prices, could be of interest to them. But as an avid CL user in this country I still look for location with full EHU.

I'm not interested in solar either so perhaps my comments are not needed or valid even. Best for me to let those who do pitch without EHU to comment. smile

Tinwheeler replied on 12/04/2018 14:38

Posted on 12/04/2018 14:29 by jtq4u

I think @Metheven has indeed highlighted that my description is too complex for the users.. I think for the users the question is:

On a site with no hookup currently would you be interested in a hookup which let you do everything except hot things, and then indicated via a light times when you could also do hot things (kettle/toaster/microwave)

This is probably the description from a users point of view ;-)

If nothing else the forum has already helped me phrase the question better!!! very cool.


Posted on 12/04/2018 14:38

My answer:  No, I’d go somewhere else.

Again, sorry, but I don't see any point in a halfway house and I don’t want to be watching traffic lights each time I turn something on. I’ll use full lekky or manage with battery and SP. I’m afraid this is unlikely to appeal to either camp, neither the EHU users nor the basic CL off gridders.

It's good to see ideas but I think you’re barking up the wrong tree here, jtq.

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