February Magazine - Nick Lomas EVs

RollerMan181 replied on 29/01/2021 12:55

Posted on 29/01/2021 12:55

I started to read the Nick Lomas' article published in this month’s magazine regarding the transition towards electric vehicles with scepticism at first. Having owned two electric vehicles for over 4 years, I have seen so much biased reporting by ill informed journalists or in journals with “other” agendas that are clearly out to recredit EVs, that I thought here we go again.

So it started off well, then I got to the bombshell. The article states that running costs are lower and implies that, this will go a long way to offset the initial costs of purchase.  Very true, in my case, the cost of the lease and low charging costs mean that I can run an EV for much less than that of a comparable petrol or diesel car. Then he states that it costs £20 to charge “at home”!  Where on earth did he get that figure from? Well done he just may have alienated thousands of potential people thinking about converting to an EV.

Please find below the true cost of charging at home on an Economy 7 tariff

KIA SOUL EV (30KWh battery). To charge from 50% to 100%  will give a total range of 130 miles in summer, 100 miles in winter)

DAY RATE £2.47 plus vat @5%

NIGHT RATE £1.59 plus vat @5%

The latest KIA SOUL EV, (64KWh battery) for comparison will do more than twice the range, so to charge from 50% to 100% :-

DAY RATE £5.28 plus vat @5%

NIGHT RATE £2.97 plus vat @5%

I have Economy 7 tariff and additionally I have solar panels, so when the sun is shining, any excess electricity goes in to my car. So I can charge for free sometimes. Even at Public chargers that charge 30p per KW, I’ve never got anywhere near paying £20. Last year I did 10k miles for less than £300.

So to allow people to make informed decisions,  could you please add a correction in next month's magazine.

 David Bell

Moved from the Story Section

Whittakerr replied on 10/02/2021 15:06

Posted on 30/01/2021 16:42 by

The cost of charging an EV does not concern me. The range and lack of facilities would.

Posted on 10/02/2021 15:06

I think an EV has all the facilities a non EV car has,laughing

RedKite replied on 10/02/2021 15:41

Posted on 10/02/2021 15:41

Saw a Kia e niro yesterday in Le clerc's car park and parked away from other cars about 1 month old, OH had a look and did not like the shape of it.

Did read N.Lomas's article but OH did not, looks like he just got the information from elsewhere.

Whittakerr replied on 10/02/2021 16:44

Posted on 10/02/2021 16:31 by JVB66


Posted on 10/02/2021 16:44

Seats, wheels, go pedal, stop pedal, lights, doors, boot, windscreen wipers, etc. etc. etc.

DavidKlyne replied on 10/02/2021 17:05

Posted on 10/02/2021 15:41 by RedKite

Saw a Kia e niro yesterday in Le clerc's car park and parked away from other cars about 1 month old, OH had a look and did not like the shape of it.

Did read N.Lomas's article but OH did not, looks like he just got the information from elsewhere.

Posted on 10/02/2021 17:05

I accept it's not the most attractive of cars, neither saloon or SUV but some of the long term tests I have read suggests it gets very near to its predicted range. Obviously the harder you drive a car of any sort of car the more that will impact on economy although when you are braking there is an element of regeneration. I have no idea whether it can tow as I don't need that option. It will be interesting to see how, in time, the prices settle down although I can't imagine them ever being as cheap as petrol or diesel cars? Do they offer incentives in France to buy EV's?


RedKite replied on 10/02/2021 17:22

Posted on 10/02/2021 17:22

Hi David there are incentives even on a secondhand EV of 1000 euros. There different incentives on new ones but they do keep changing.

cyberyacht replied on 11/02/2021 10:32

Posted on 11/02/2021 10:32

Why are manufacturers currently appearing to experiment with ugly styling on EVs?. If you see a slightly bizarre looking car, odds on it's an electric. Time for an electric Multipla?

Pageantpete07 replied on 11/02/2021 13:23

Posted on 11/02/2021 13:23

With no road fund tax and no tax collected on fuel ,i suspect there will be an annual mileage charge .When applying for a permit to use the vehicle on the road you would have to enter the vehicle mileage.

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