Coachman unhelpful

krfcfb replied on 20/10/2021 18:03

Posted on 20/10/2021 18:03

Bought a new Coachman 545VIP in 2018 blind in sitting area was cracked and replaced now it is cracked. Toilet light for half full came on emptied it light never went off replaced and it happened again .Just had it serviced and it has been reported shower cracked the reason door comes off.


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paulfrompontefract replied on 21/10/2021 12:30

Posted on 21/10/2021 12:30

There are a few threads on Coachman lately krfcrb, dometic toilet not fit for purpose is the one I’ve started.But general quality not what it was, we too have a 2018 vip 575, we got that unsettled with the dometic toilet we changed it at our cost (as have quite a few other owners of that vintage). We have had water ingress, two warranty faults on that darn toilet, warped doors, and the roof warps badly in warm weather (probably the cause of our water ingress)

i contacted Coachman regarding the toilet, who initially denied there were any issues, eventually they did admit there were issues with the 2018 models, but declined to comment on the fit for purpose arguments I raised , and of course wouldn’t contribute to my cost of replacing it with a thetford.

No sign of an apology or to say sorry we had the problems we reported, just  replies that were condescending at best, rude at worst.

I used to think Coachman was the van to aspire to owning, this is no longer the case, they are just an also ran, with no concept of customer service once they have got the money for the van.

wont buy another, especially now under foreign ownership.

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