Detachable tow hitch

Jazzybaby replied on 18/01/2018 09:25

Posted on 18/01/2018 09:25

Hi guys, just a word of warning if your vehicle has a detachable tow hitch.  Despite ours being on our LR Disco 4 for the past five years, it was stolen from off the vehicle whilst parked on our drive just before Christmas. Genuine replacement cost of £521, ouch expensive lesson. We always felt is was a faff taking it on and off all the time so left it on but lesson learned. (The thieves nicked three in our village over the same period)

replied on 24/01/2018 08:22

Posted on 24/01/2018 08:22

As a previous responder has said it surprises me that members pay all this money on a new car then to fit a cheap jack ugly tow bar.

Of course some simply prefer a fixed bar for reasons other than cost. But I suspect that you were aware of that

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