2016 Skoda Superb Estate - which tow bar?

1st Silverback replied on 07/03/2019 13:17

Posted on 07/03/2019 13:17

After much research I have finally decided upon and bought a 2016 Mk3 Skoda Superb Estate SE Business spec. Unfortunately I wasn't expecting to have to do pre flight checks before I set off but that's an age thing on my part having to learn all the new software / gadgets that it's equipped with Grrr

Anyway - to the problem.Having dodgy knees (I am now 63) I assumed that I could just have a fixed tow bar and 13 pin specific electrics fitted thus avoiding the bending / kneeling down to line up and engage a detachable ball. But - Says my local bar fitting agent - you have sensors (6 of them) and a fixed bar will cause the sensors to beep unless you switch them off every time you drive the car !  !  ! Noooooo say's I.

So the question is: Is this correct or does anyone out there have a Mk3 Superb estate that has a fixed tow bar that doesn't set off the sensors when not towing ?



Tinwheeler replied on 07/03/2019 13:35

Posted on 07/03/2019 13:35

Err, the sensors will only beep when you go into reverse gear. They won't sound when you’re going forward. I’d live with them beeping for the short duration of the reversing manoeuvres.

Wherenext replied on 07/03/2019 14:08

Posted on 07/03/2019 14:08

This problem can be overcome. Whilst not having a Superb our Jamjar does have the rear sensor thingy and I don't need to turn it off when not hitched up. The sensors do not pick up the fixed towbar. I only turn them off when hitched up and then only when reversing. Talk to another towbar fitter.

1st Silverback replied on 07/03/2019 16:52

Posted on 07/03/2019 16:52

There is a switch for turning the sensors off (as stated in my initial post) but if a fixed tow bar will set them off automatically the sensors are useless to me as I only want to hear them to avoid hitting an actual obstacle.Just turning them off every time is defeating the object of having them.

Incidentally Tinwheeler They do bleep when I go forward as I have sensors in the front bumper too laughing

All I want to do is have a tow ball permanently in place (bolted or detachable) and the sensors working in the normal way (front and rear) when NOT COUPLED to a Caravan or trailer.

1st Silverback replied on 07/03/2019 16:56

Posted on 07/03/2019 16:56

Many thanks for your reply 'wherenext' as your comment is almost a perfect reply for me - its a shame you refer to your jamjar and not a Superb as all I would then need to do is have fitted what you have. 

Tinwheeler replied on 07/03/2019 17:10

Posted on 07/03/2019 17:10

"Incidentally Tinwheeler They do bleep when I go forward as I have sensors in the front bumper too"

But no front mounted towbar.


I really don't think the info you’ve been given is correct.

lagerorwine replied on 07/03/2019 20:04

Posted on 07/03/2019 20:04

Usually its the towbar flange that gives the problem. I would have thought a detachable would be fine, as the 'bulky' part is usually below the bumper. I had Witter detachable on my Mondeo Mk3 and there was no problem - and I left it attached to the car most of the time.

I would contact P F Jones in Manchester, they will give you excellent advice and hopefully a suitable towbar for your needs.

1st Silverback replied on 07/03/2019 20:42

Posted on 07/03/2019 20:42

I am familiar with PF Jones but didn't think to ring them - thanks Lagerorwine.

Would be nice to hear from anyone that also has a superb estate to see what bar and experiences they have.

I suppose since the Mk3 has only been out for 3 years i am one of the guinea pigs so to speak  !

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