Wheel Balance Yes or NO?

jeffcc replied on 23/08/2016 18:05

Posted on 23/08/2016 18:05

Two weeks ag oi tried to get the wheels balanced on my two year old Swift, to be told they are so far out as to be beyond balancing. Contacted Swift CRD and their reply was amusing, they do not balance wheels as it makes no difference to the towing or ride of the caravan!!!

Now being a technical trainer for Bosch Delphi and Hella as well as numerous other automotive companies for many years. I Had to laugh at this response given that the wheels were nearly 260grams out of balance!!

So the question is anyone else had the same type of problem with wheel balance?

I am currently about to install a vibration monitor into the caravan ready for my next trip out just for evidence that Swift are talking a load of!!

p.s. the problem is that things keep coming loose in the van when travelling, cooker, fridge, cabinets etc.

johndailey replied on 23/08/2016 22:12

Posted on 23/08/2016 22:12

In my opinion it makes sound sense to have the caravan wheels ballanced. If it cuts down vibration then it will cut down wear and tear on the rest of the caravan. As an earlier poster stated, just because their wheels had not been ballanced, it does not mean that they do not need to be.

jeffcc replied on 23/08/2016 22:19

Posted on 23/08/2016 22:19

Spot on JD i was just confused 45 years in automotive industry to then be told by a caravan manufacturer that is not even that old. that wheel balance was not essential!!!, i have by the way asked for there evidence that wheel balance has no effect on the integrity of the caravan structure, that will be an interesting one given tha the automive industries ride qualities are based on ride harsness and vibration!!!

KENNYG replied on 24/08/2016 10:06

Posted on 24/08/2016 10:06

I went to have my wheels balanced on caravan with Tyrone band's fitted the tyre fitter said he couldn't get enough wheighs on to balance the wheels. 

Who's Tyrone? Innocent

Thought someone would pick up on it, not all of us are educated.

karenseymour replied on 25/08/2016 09:47

Posted on 25/08/2016 09:47

i work in a tyre depot and i always have balanced my own caravan wheels and never had any problems balancing any other caravan wheels 

Tirril replied on 25/08/2016 10:07

Posted on 25/08/2016 10:07

I took my t/a alloy wheels for balancing, all were out, one by 70g. Given the small cost of balancing against the overall outlay of caravaning it makes sense to avoid unneccessary vibration and wear in my view.

Discoil replied on 25/08/2016 10:30

Posted on 25/08/2016 10:30

My Swift ( Sprite ) had a towing issue until I had the wheels balanced.

My new to me Coachman also had a towing issue but was cured by balancing the wheels.

Only been towing for 45 + years so not new to towing.

replied on 25/08/2016 13:53

Posted on 25/08/2016 13:53

All I know about getting the wheels balanced is that after getting them balanced there was less things moving about in the 'van when towed. Crockery and like had always come out of holders and you had to be careful opening cupboards, since then everything stays in its place.

jeffcc replied on 26/08/2016 12:37

Posted on 26/08/2016 12:37

Thanks for the input glad i wasn't the only one that thought Swift were having a laugh, BTW still awaiting a response from my 3rd email from swfit customer services/ technical.

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