Wheel Balance Yes or NO?

jeffcc replied on 23/08/2016 18:05

Posted on 23/08/2016 18:05

Two weeks ag oi tried to get the wheels balanced on my two year old Swift, to be told they are so far out as to be beyond balancing. Contacted Swift CRD and their reply was amusing, they do not balance wheels as it makes no difference to the towing or ride of the caravan!!!

Now being a technical trainer for Bosch Delphi and Hella as well as numerous other automotive companies for many years. I Had to laugh at this response given that the wheels were nearly 260grams out of balance!!

So the question is anyone else had the same type of problem with wheel balance?

I am currently about to install a vibration monitor into the caravan ready for my next trip out just for evidence that Swift are talking a load of!!

p.s. the problem is that things keep coming loose in the van when travelling, cooker, fridge, cabinets etc.

holmesonwheels24 replied on 23/08/2016 20:46

Posted on 23/08/2016 20:46

I have usually had my c/van wheels balanced , whilst i was at college as a motor vehicle lecturer i had the wheel balancer in the workshop at my disposal so to balance the wheels was easily done . Steel wheels in those days , can never remember them being excessively out of balance nor can i remember any difference in towing experience.  When i had the tyres changed on my current van i asked the tyre fitter to balance the wheels, his response was we never balance c/van wheels , however he did balance them , alloy wheels and not wildly out of balance. Still notice no difference but will always balance them , perhaps more  to do with habit. Sorry for long post.

MarcB90 replied on 23/08/2016 21:03

Posted on 23/08/2016 21:03

I just balanced mine today whilst adjusting shoes. 80g out on one and 45g on other. I did it for peace of mind (and having tyre changing/balancing facilities to hand). Makes sense to balance them from a mechanical point of view.

Nuggy replied on 23/08/2016 21:41

Posted on 23/08/2016 21:41

With the roads as they are today my caravan takes a lot of hammer, from tyres up to bodywork and fittings. I have them balanced every time to try and reduce unnecessary vibration. Common sense IMO and it doesn't cost a fortune to have done. I also like to think that it could be more stable at higher speeds.

jeffcc replied on 23/08/2016 21:44

Posted on 23/08/2016 21:44

Thanks for your post just confirms that Swift seem to be not with it, but they will eventually replace my wheels and tyres as they have the rest of the faulty parts, they just require a push in the correct direction. As i stated earlier 260-280grams not a bit out of balance but huge!!

EmilysDad replied on 23/08/2016 21:51

Posted on 23/08/2016 21:51

 ...... As i stated earlier 260-280grams not a bit out of balance but huge!!

A couple of years ago I had two tyres fitted at a Mercedes dealership. I drove home & realised that one had been balanced with 105g of weights .... I returned to MB. The tech saw nothing wrong with that and said he'd used up to 200g Surprised Not on my car though. He was sent on his way back to the workshop and eventually returned triumphant, having balanced it with 30g. If only he'd done that in the first place. Laughing

Vicmallows replied on 23/08/2016 21:59

Posted on 23/08/2016 21:59

Interesting thread. It had never crossed my mind that anyone would NOT ballance a caravan tyre.  Thanks for making me aware.

jeffcc replied on 23/08/2016 22:02

Posted on 23/08/2016 22:02

Apparently Swift Never Do!!! Questions their technical engineers, Waiting of a response from them reference the dynamic balance/load graph i sent them!!! 260 gram static imbalance is approx 2,6 kilos at 60 mph.

jeffcc replied on 23/08/2016 22:10

Posted on 23/08/2016 22:10

Just as an aside if the front wheels on your car were 280 grams out of balance on the front you would be hard pressed to stop the vibration at 60mph. Swift in my opinion are trying to excuse a poor purchase of tyres DMack whos only claim to fame is they produce tyres for a rally team(where balance is irrelevant) Best laugh is that the spare also dmack on a steeel wheel took 10 grams to balance!!

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