What next... electric cars capable of towing

ClubMember49C002CC96 replied on 26/07/2017 20:45

Posted on 26/07/2017 20:45

What are we to do when there are no Diesel  or Petrol cars capable of Towing a family sized Caravan ... or even Family sized Motorhomes.  Wonder what the club's thoughts are. 

replied on 25/08/2017 18:47

Posted on 25/08/2017 18:19 by birderbilly

Are you currently able to tow 1,000 miles without refuelling ?

Posted on 25/08/2017 18:47

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birderbilly replied on 25/08/2017 19:04

Posted on 25/08/2017 18:47 by

I refuel every day and sometimes since my current car only has a 60 litre tank I have to break the journey and refill but as Allan pointed out it takes minutes not hours.However its not going to be my problem and nobody else's either if this hobby we are all so fond of goes the way I think it will.

Posted on 25/08/2017 19:04

EVs don't take hours to charge now let alone in 20+ years time. In 15 years time I guarantee that you will be able to tow a 1,500kg van with an EV for say 300 miles and then refuel in much less than 15 minutes. Anyone that is able to tow for more than 300 miles without a 15 min break obviously has better stamina (and bladder) than me.

As to all the comments about infrastructure the two great things about electricity are that it is very easy to transport from generator to consumer and secondly it is already virtually everywhere.  Installing charging points is hardly rocket science - even the Caravan Club (sic) could manage it.

replied on 25/08/2017 19:09

Posted on 25/08/2017 18:41 by brue

If you're not convinced and think this is all a long way off look up some of the developments that have been going on for quite a while....this is about range extenders.

see here


A pity this months Club mag has a dinosaur type letter about "the future of towing." The Club could at least attempt to join the 21st century. undecided

Posted on 25/08/2017 19:09

 So we have a traditional fuelled engine to produce charge (with losses I imagine) sounds a perfect solution. 

For me a range of 300 miles (plus a bit spare) would have been ample provided that I could refuel overnight Wherever I Overnight on a journey.  That requires infrastructure all over the UK. All this might effect a 50 year old but unlikely to effect anybody presently much older than that. 


replied on 25/08/2017 19:14

Posted on 25/08/2017 19:14

In 15 years time I guarantee that you will be able to tow a 1,500kg van with an EV for say 300 miles and then refuel in much less than 15 minutes.

And where in this country do we find the parking areas for all these recharges? Maybe there will be less cars on the road? Yes a present I would be fine provided CC ups their EHU to 32 amp. Death knell for some CLs probably. 

brue replied on 25/08/2017 19:16

Posted on 25/08/2017 19:16

Here's another article, might be useful to read see here

There are already thousands of electric points all over the UK, in all sorts of places. You can find them on various web sites. There are four types of charge ranging from slow to fast plus the extended range vehicles.

Enough from me, we pick up a hybrid car next week, if it's awful I'll let you know. winksmile

birderbilly replied on 25/08/2017 19:24

Posted on 25/08/2017 19:24

If you think laterally about EVs and Caravans there could be some interesting positive developments.  At the moment your caravan can run very little in terms of electrical items when off-grid because it has battery with about 1 - 1.5kWh of juice in it.  Imagine an EV with a 100kWh battery in it (some Teslas already do), plug your van into the car and you will have all the juice you need.  Or a motorhome with a say 300kWh battery pack. All you need do is pop off site to the EV charger every few days to top up.  No need for gas and duel fuel appliances.

birderbilly replied on 25/08/2017 19:28

Posted on 25/08/2017 19:14 by

In 15 years time I guarantee that you will be able to tow a 1,500kg van with an EV for say 300 miles and then refuel in much less than 15 minutes.

And where in this country do we find the parking areas for all these recharges? Maybe there will be less cars on the road? Yes a present I would be fine provided CC ups their EHU to 32 amp. Death knell for some CLs probably. 

Posted on 25/08/2017 19:28

At home

Car parks


Fuelling Stations

Camp sites

Every street lamp has electricty running to it.

It really isn't that difficult

Don't agree about CLs, see my previous post.


Landlubber replied on 07/10/2017 23:25

Posted on 07/10/2017 23:25

Don't worry - all the hype is just a government ploy to get more cash for the treachery, it won't happen for many years and you and every motorist with a diesel will make sure it does not increase your cost of ownership - WITH YOUR VOTE.

hitchglitch replied on 08/10/2017 14:02

Posted on 08/10/2017 14:02

Good to see that the Luddites are alive and kicking. Enormous lack of lateral thinking amongst many of these posters I.e. thinking about today’s technology and not what might be available in a few years time! Electricity will have a variable cost depending on the time of day and your smart charger will monitor this to give you cheapest recharge, quickest recharge etc. There will be many, many other innovations.

Just imagine that electric cars were standard and there was a proposal to introduce petrol as an alternative fuel.

Press Announcement: The Government are going to build petrol filling stations with massive tanks underground to store the fuel. These tanks will be regularly filled from giant road tankers (meanwhile the filling station will be closed). The fuel is smelly and highly flammable. You can’t store it at home, you have to get in a queue with other motorists to fill up. It has to be burned in your engine to get the car wheels to turn and in doing so produces nasty exhaust gasses and requires lots of parts in the engine like injectors that will occasionally stick and leave you stranded.

Any supporters? I know, another stupid government idea. I’ll conceived and not thought through.

lornalou1 replied on 08/10/2017 23:20

Posted on 08/10/2017 23:20

what is the point of hybrids anyway. they all have petrol or diesel engines so that fuel and service stations will never disappear. seasick Steve got it right when he was on top gear by stating there is more pollution produced to make a vehicle whatever fuel it ran on than running one for a lifetime.

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