What next... electric cars capable of towing

ClubMember49C002CC96 replied on 26/07/2017 20:45

Posted on 26/07/2017 20:45

What are we to do when there are no Diesel  or Petrol cars capable of Towing a family sized Caravan ... or even Family sized Motorhomes.  Wonder what the club's thoughts are. 

replied on 25/08/2017 13:38

Posted on 25/08/2017 13:38

Presently I read concerns about the generating power available in UK to cover winter needs. If this is the case and given the time scale to bring new power stations on line I cannot see the proposed date being brought forwards at all.

MichaelT replied on 25/08/2017 13:58

Posted on 25/08/2017 13:58

When we do eventually all have electric cars/MH's will that mean Merve will want an EHU site to make sure he can get home?wink

Merve replied on 25/08/2017 16:29

Posted on 25/08/2017 13:58 by MichaelT

When we do eventually all have electric cars/MH's will that mean Merve will want an EHU site to make sure he can get home?wink

Posted on 25/08/2017 16:29

By that time Mick, I'll be making the grass grow.😂😂😂😂😂. I look at electric cars and think they'll never be able to tow anything any distance. I noticed Tesla charge points being installed on a motorway services on the M6 the other day. They are serious about it then? 

eurortraveller replied on 25/08/2017 16:47

Posted on 25/08/2017 16:29 by Merve

By that time Mick, I'll be making the grass grow.😂😂😂😂😂. I look at electric cars and think they'll never be able to tow anything any distance. I noticed Tesla charge points being installed on a motorway services on the M6 the other day. They are serious about it then? 

Posted on 25/08/2017 16:47

Safefill is the way forward, Merve, not charging up with electricity.

birderbilly replied on 25/08/2017 17:42

Posted on 25/08/2017 13:38 by

Presently I read concerns about the generating power available in UK to cover winter needs. If this is the case and given the time scale to bring new power stations on line I cannot see the proposed date being brought forwards at all.

Posted on 25/08/2017 17:42

If you want the facts rather than the bullsh*t in the papers I suggest you have a look at what National Grid have said here. No need for new power stations.

replied on 25/08/2017 17:55

Posted on 25/08/2017 17:55

My interest is limited as I do not expect to be around in 2040. I am not convinced that the infrastructure will be either. In order to be meaningful for the brave new world the necessary infrastructure needs to be in place by 2030 in my opinion in order to encourage take up of E vehicles. Maybe it will? 

If I am around I shall be 88 and unlikely to be driving. 


replied on 25/08/2017 18:14

Posted on 25/08/2017 18:14

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birderbilly replied on 25/08/2017 18:19

Posted on 25/08/2017 18:14 by

I wont  be around either so as Catherine Tate says "am I bovered"  but I doubt even the most enthusiastic supporters of this development will be able to explain how I could get a thousand miles towing 1500kg other than very very slowly!

Posted on 25/08/2017 18:19

Are you currently able to tow 1,000 miles without refuelling ?

replied on 25/08/2017 18:35

Posted on 25/08/2017 18:35

Currently refuelling takes a few minutes. Will electric match that? No idea. Hopefully Europe is singing from the same hymn sheet.

brue replied on 25/08/2017 18:41

Posted on 25/08/2017 18:41

If you're not convinced and think this is all a long way off look up some of the developments that have been going on for quite a while....this is about range extenders.

see here


A pity this months Club mag has a dinosaur type letter about "the future of towing." The Club could at least attempt to join the 21st century. undecided

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