What next... electric cars capable of towing

ClubMember49C002CC96 replied on 26/07/2017 20:45

Posted on 26/07/2017 20:45

What are we to do when there are no Diesel  or Petrol cars capable of Towing a family sized Caravan ... or even Family sized Motorhomes.  Wonder what the club's thoughts are. 

PITCHTOCLOSE replied on 28/07/2017 20:47

Posted on 28/07/2017 20:47

Caravan touring is doomed and not from electric cars but from today's caravan owners, season lets becoming more popular and now caravan storage on site where you leave the van on site and the site owner moves it off the pitch and back on a pitch when you need it, it's all coming to an end, welcome to the towable static very sad.

tigerfish replied on 31/07/2017 00:41

Posted on 31/07/2017 00:41

I may be living in the past, but at least it was comfortable!

So OK is Diesel is so evil ,  But please explain the following to me. I drive a modern turbo diesel, Euro 6 compliant . In addition it runs on Ad Blu to minimise emissions. But it is evil because it is called a Diesel.  Electric is the way forward and is overall the saviour of life in the future.

So can any one explain to me the following!  A few years ago the Govt announced that in order to move us all upwards and onward and greener, they were going to electrify the main rail line between Paddington and Swansea and also the west coast line, initially from Paddington to Bristol Templemeads . - eventually to Plymouth.  This would be far better for the environment and would be the flagship for rail in the future.

But the project fell years behind schedule, so instead of finishing it, the Govt came up with a brilliant idea!  They would fit all of the new electric trains with Diesel engines!!!  What a great idea!  So where does that leave the Govt announcement that Diesel engines were evil and must be outlawed??

This is NOT a fairy tail. I live next to the new Hitachi depot at Stake Gifford, and visit quite often. The new electric trains are great, but the depot is busily converting all the fleet to be bi-modal by fitting 3 new 21 litre Diesel engines to each 5 car set.  All running on AdBlu .  So where is the logic in that?

But I bet the Govt will still cane my car in the next budget.  So how do you explain that???


Justus2 replied on 31/07/2017 08:29

Posted on 31/07/2017 08:29

Easily explained TF, you/we are a source of revenue...wink 

I watched an online episode of Channel 4s Dispatches yesterday, about cruise ships, which apparently run on low grade heavy oil and as a result emit as much pollution as 1000 hgv's... The pollution on deck was in some places as high as Piccadilly Circus.

Apparently there is a new cruise liner dock being built to the east of Greenwich where they will be welcome to dock and run their engines 24/7 to maintain power for the ships systems whilst those on-board visit the city. I think this is the same London that want's to improve air quality and deter diesels vehicles from entering the emission zone by charging a high fee per day...undecided 


Oh and the 2000 people on each ship, they are a source of revenue too  innocent

Kennine replied on 31/07/2017 10:20

Posted on 31/07/2017 10:20

Sadly the hobby of touring by caravan as we know it today is due to come to an slow end.  

Over the next few decades, the sight of a large caravan being towed  behind an equally large car will be a rare sight indeed. 

Restrictions on the use of engines using fossil fuels and the increased  use of Electric Cars  will make towing a No No.

Small motorhomes and campers powered by electricity will be the vehicle of choice for those who still want to enjoy touring and staying overnight on camp sites. -- Sites which will require charging points on each pitch.

The world moves on and new innovations evolve. There will always be the enjoyment of true touring,, but not by towed caravan. 

Steve Scott replied on 31/07/2017 10:51

Posted on 28/07/2017 17:45 by crusader

Well guess what they are available at a wopping price of £118.440 but what a car !


Posted on 31/07/2017 10:51

I had been having a look at these with a thought to purchase one (LOL) did notice that the new Model3 that is due to come out next year US price around $35000,what price do you think this will be sold for in UK.Todays exchange would make it £27000. One thing i did like when reading the X Style Options list was The Bioweapons Filter? very good thing to have!!!.Think i will save some money and just get a full Haz Pack Suit and wear that instead. 


tigerfish replied on 04/08/2017 00:58

Posted on 04/08/2017 00:58

Not suitable for our members for a very long time!  Lets get real and make sure that those people living in cloud cuckoo land who's parents probably weren't married, realise that there is a real world out here that has to manage on far less than a new Tesla will cost.

Also while our precious Govt who previously pushed the environmental advantages of the diesel, and who have now decided that they cannot afford to complete the electrification of the main line between Paddington and Swansea, and so have decided to fit the brand new fleet of Hitachi Electric trains with DIESEL engines! Speak with forked tongue about such matters. Why should we take that much notice of what they say?


Oneputt replied on 04/08/2017 07:22

Posted on 04/08/2017 07:22

The real problem is this is political being driven (no pun intended) by enviromental concerns and to that end it hasn't been thought through very clearly.  By far the biggest polluters are HGV's, ships and planes yet we haven't heard anything about them.  The carbon cost of producing and disposing of electric vehicles is far greater than our current vehicles.  What about the manufacture of polymers? This isn't about being scared of change its more about getting the whole question about saving the planet correct.

PS is this whole subject being driven as we don't want to be reliant on Russia for future oil and gas supplies

replied on 24/08/2017 21:04

Posted on 27/07/2017 00:43 by birderbilly

If you read my post rather than just sounding off in your usual I drive a 3L V6 tank fashion you will see that I am suggesting that technological change will get us to a postion where good electric tow cars will become available and way before 2040.  Nobody is suggesting that they currently exist.  And why on earth do you need to drive 500 miles between fuel stops ?  how often do you do that now ?

Posted on 24/08/2017 21:04

Not sure about Tigerfish but when I was younger and fitter and had less time due to working then 350 miles would not be out of the question and I would have wanted a spare 50 miles in the 'tank'. 

When I have been across water driving then about 310 miles to ferry after a 20 mile run from work and so would want some spare miles on other side and a charge point convenient. 

Maybe, for me 400 range would suffice if that took me to a charge point!

brue replied on 24/08/2017 21:16

Posted on 24/08/2017 21:16

There is an interesting article about electric/hybrid cars in the latest C&CC mag. I hope the club follows suit. Things are well under way with new developments.

hitchglitch replied on 25/08/2017 13:24

Posted on 25/08/2017 13:24

2040 is a very conservative target and, in any case, does not exclude hybrids. Norwegian car sales are now 29% electric and there is a substantial infrastructure of charging points. People seem hung up about what is available today and not in 20 years time. I have no doubt that battery technology will continue to improve along with other things like lighter materials. Volvo has already said that they are discontinuing diesel/petrol engines in favour of hybrid/electric.

I would like to see a much more aggressive target, say 2030. This would give the incentive for manufacturers, designers and innovators to push forward rapidly.

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