Weigh-bridge Shock

richardandros replied on 14/09/2018 15:51

Posted on 14/09/2018 15:51

We have owned a 2015 Bailey Barcelona from new and have become increasingly concerned as a result of discussions on here about payload that I have eventually got round to taking the van to a weigh-bridge. Part of that concern has centered around my wife's insistence that she really does need to take six week's worth of clothes for a fortnight's holiday - together with a commensurate amount of food!

With the van stripped down to the basics - no carpets - aquaroll and wastemaster, awning carpet, lightweight clothes dryer and air pump under the bed, two 6kg gas bottles (one almost empty) and two plastic boxes in the front locker containing waste connections, hammer and mallet, plastic awning pegs plus two boxes of steel pegs and all the other paraphernalia we caravanners need; the usual melamine crockery and a small amount of cutlery and kitchen utensils, duvet on the bed (but no pillows) and that's about it - so nothing particularly extravagant and no clothes whatsoever and nothing in the fridge or freezer. However, it does have an AWD motor mover.

The MTPLM of the van is 1723 kgs - it actually weighed in at 1840kgs!

My first reaction was to query the accuracy of the weigh-bridge - particularly at such low weights, but I am assured by the local authority department responsible, that they would expect an accuracy of at least +/- 20kgs - so that doesn't help much!

Having seen the amount of equipment that quite a lot of 'vanners pull out of their units - none of which was present in our van when it was weighed, makes me think that most caravans on the road today, must be grossly over-laden.

I am going to have to have a serious re-think about what extras I have got to try to load into the car but that is already pretty full of all the things I quite rightly assumed were too heavy to go in the van.

What does everyone else do?

young thomas replied on 15/09/2018 09:05

Posted on 14/09/2018 19:17 by Tammygirl

We had the very same issues as the op, moved back to a caravan from a mh so did the correct thing and took it to weighbridge with the minimum things needed. We were 50kg over our weight allowance and that was after up plating it. Which is a joke as we only got an extra 35kg. It is our belief that most caravans are way overweight. We did get ours down to the allowance but the car is now full to bursting.

Posted on 15/09/2018 09:05

hi TG, hope you're having a great time awaysmile

what size car do you now have for your van?

i can see the issue your describing...

don't need an enormous caravan so opt for small/medium sized van, well comfortable for two....

seek out appropriate (not too massive) tow car, which isn't a problem to drive 'everyday'...

discover caravan payload isn't that good, so have to move everything to the tow car...

tow car not enormous (for above reasons) so may be short of required space or even payload...

a tricky one, for all sizes of caravan, it seems...

perhaps another 'rationalisation' of stuff (for most posters) required?

have a great timesmile

Oneputt replied on 15/09/2018 09:41

Posted on 15/09/2018 09:41

I suppose we should weigh our van just to check.  I know we reduced the weight of the van when we received it by removing most of the stuff that makes the dining table into bunk beds, also took off the TV swinging arm brackets etc.  We don’t carry a TV, Satellite Dish or BBQ. Only 1 safefill bottle.  Still I suspect we must hovering around our limit

richardandros replied on 15/09/2018 12:04

Posted on 15/09/2018 12:04

Thanks to Boff and Lutz, I have now checked the plate in the gas locker (which I didn't know was there because it was obscured by the gas bottles!).  That shows the MTPLM as 1800 - so that makes a big difference.  I have also sourced what must be one of the last remaining Safefill bottles in the country (such has been the demand for them) and am picking it up tomorrow.  That will be a net saving of about 15kg.  I reckon that with a bit of jiggling about - like carrying the heavy Alko locks in the car, and a bit of judicious 'binning', I can get to somewhere close to that 1800 figure.  I've actually managed to convince Ros that we really don't need 6 pillows and 2 decorative cushions on the bed so perhaps she is starting to get the message and the exercise has been worthwhile after all!

MDD10 replied on 15/09/2018 13:01

Posted on 15/09/2018 06:44 by richardandros

Thank you for the helpful / somewhat reassuring comments so far.  I have to say, I do have sympathy for the stance taken by dreamer1 although I am sure we both recognise this doesn't solve the underlying problem. As far as the car is concerned - it isn't an issue.  I tow with a VW Touareg which has a towing limit of 3 and a half tons, so the van is well within its capacity and to be honest, I don't know the van's on the back most of the time.

I am aware of the upgraded plate and thank you Lutz for your suggestion.  I will have a look this morning. However, the bottom line is that, having gone for an upgrade, stripped virtually everything out of the van (although goodness knows where I would put wastemaster, aquaroll etc etc in the car when it is already full with awning, dog cage, bbq, chairs etc), I am still probably only going to get back to conforming with the MTPLM - so where do the clothes, food etc go?

Top of the list for weight saving must be the gas bottles and spare wheel.  Lighter gas bottles and roof rack on the car (£700) for the spare wheel - where do you stop??!!

I came across an interesting comment on p.11 of the Bailey Owner's manual:

"Please note: weighbridges, although regularly checked, can give varying (inaccurate) results."

Is that a get-out clause for Bailey? (Despite my local authority Weights and Measures Dept (as was), disagreeing.

Forgive me for feeling that the situation that I (and I assume many others) am experiencing, is an absolute mess.

Posted on 15/09/2018 13:01

I presume there must be a tolerance used then when prosecuting those towing overweight caravans?  The fines if convicted are significant and I know it was reported that Kent police had a campaign during a summer 2017 and were were weighing caravans!!

A friend who had been caravaning for 20 years when I started gave me advice to chuck anything of any weight in the boot of my car.  Fortunately I have a large boot.  I have a caravan with loads of wonderful storage, much of which I can’t use, even thought I upgraded the weight, but only got 30Kg

Lutz replied on 15/09/2018 13:32

Posted on 15/09/2018 13:01 by MDD10

I presume there must be a tolerance used then when prosecuting those towing overweight caravans?  The fines if convicted are significant and I know it was reported that Kent police had a campaign during a summer 2017 and were were weighing caravans!!

A friend who had been caravaning for 20 years when I started gave me advice to chuck anything of any weight in the boot of my car.  Fortunately I have a large boot.  I have a caravan with loads of wonderful storage, much of which I can’t use, even thought I upgraded the weight, but only got 30Kg

Posted on 15/09/2018 13:32

Just mind that you don't exceed the maximum allowable rear axle load of your car if you put so much heavy stuff in the boot and then add the noseweight of your caravan.

lornalou1 replied on 15/09/2018 15:49

Posted on 14/09/2018 19:17 by Tammygirl

We had the very same issues as the op, moved back to a caravan from a mh so did the correct thing and took it to weighbridge with the minimum things needed. We were 50kg over our weight allowance and that was after up plating it. Which is a joke as we only got an extra 35kg. It is our belief that most caravans are way overweight. We did get ours down to the allowance but the car is now full to bursting.

Posted on 15/09/2018 15:49

 better weigh the car when it's full to bursting as could be overloaded and breaking the law. it's not just the caravan that has a weight limit.

JVB66 replied on 15/09/2018 16:07

Posted on 15/09/2018 15:49 by lornalou1

 better weigh the car when it's full to bursting as could be overloaded and breaking the law. it's not just the caravan that has a weight limit.

Posted on 15/09/2018 16:07

I think it would take a lot of kit to overload a 5 seat car that is designed to carry adultssurprised

Lutz replied on 15/09/2018 19:48

Posted on 15/09/2018 16:07 by JVB66

I think it would take a lot of kit to overload a 5 seat car that is designed to carry adultssurprised

Posted on 15/09/2018 19:48

I think you'd be surprised. It wouldn't be the first time that a 5 seater with a full complement of adults is overweight as soon as their luggage is put into the boot.

dreamer1 replied on 15/09/2018 20:19

Posted on 14/09/2018 18:12 by ATDel

It’s no con, as more to2 cars can pull it with th3 lower weight so more sales for Bailey!!

our Lunar lexon came in at 1650 mptlm when new in 2014, I asked for an upgrade and was abl3 to got to 1795 that’s an extra 150kg in payload, ours is now just over 300

Posted on 15/09/2018 20:19

How can it go up with no physical work being done?

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