Trickle charge

weedkiller replied on 03/12/2021 09:30

Posted on 03/12/2021 09:30

I would like to trickle charge my van battery while it is in situ in the external van battery box. Can this be done by plugging a trickle charger into the onboard cigar lighter socket ?    Can anyone please suggest a method if this wont work.  

SeasideBill replied on 04/12/2021 11:24

Posted on 04/12/2021 10:45 by Amesford

This may be of some interest to you.

Posted on 04/12/2021 11:24

Good video, covers the 8 stages employed by smart charger and direct connection to battery so it can be isolated during charging. 

hitchglitch replied on 04/12/2021 19:34

Posted on 03/12/2021 19:46 by SeasideBill

On board charging systems are generally not very sophisticated and are not best suited to long-term trickle charging. I’m not sure what fits the description of a ‘cheap trickle charger’ as the posts above describe ‘intelligent’ or ‘smart’ battery chargers aka ‘battery conditioners’. Theses are specifically designed to be connected to a battery on a long-term or indefinite basis without overcharging it. They employ a number of variable functions to charge and maintain the battery in optimum condition. I’ve used them on classic cars in the past while in long-term storage. My record is a Halfords battery that was 14 years old and still going strong when I sold the car.

Posted on 04/12/2021 19:34

A “cheap” trickle charger is one like I saw at Halfords a while back which in the small print stated that it was not suitable for permanent connection over prolonged periods. You get what you pay for I guess.

weedkiller replied on 15/12/2021 20:41

Posted on 15/12/2021 20:41

Thank you all for your replies 

My 12v socket is only live with the caravan master switch on 

ideally I would like to be able to connect a trickle charger without disconnecting the battery from the caravan , so that I can use internal lights .   I would switch off the onboard charger at the 240v isolator when using the trickle charger and disconnect power to the trickle charger before using on board services.   I dont want to take the battery out of its locker to charge it and then put it back due to a wacky  Knee.

I did try using the onboard charger but I think over time it could fry the battery I have recently changed the battery so dont want to damage it or the onboard systems.

I asked Ctek for their views but did not get a reply. 

any experts out there who can tell me if I will damage the onboard charger ?? 

JohnM20 replied on 16/12/2021 08:35

Posted on 16/12/2021 08:35

For several years I have given my battery two hours charge each day using a timer on my hook-up cable and using the built in charger. This maintains the battery state as 'Good' on the panel in the caravan. So far (tempting fate) this has worked fine with a good battery report also from my service engineer each year. The battery is approaching 7 years old. I realise this is only any good for people with continual access to power.

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