Leaking Elddis Avante (5 days old)

Jim and Isa
Jim and Isa Forum Participant Posts: 16
edited April 2017 in Caravans #1


This video demonstrates a leak on a rand new Elddis Avante.

I made a  phone call to Elddis who have a nonchalant attitude towards complaints, it would appear.

Now have to take it to have the matter looked at. 




  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,476
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    edited April 2017 #2

    Why did you contact Elddis instead of your supplying dealer who your contract is with? I'm not really surprised Elddis were less than helpful in view of this.

    Tbh, I can't really see from the video where the leak is but suspect it could well be condensation collecting above and dripping down. Good luck at the dealership.

  • Jim and Isa
    Jim and Isa Forum Participant Posts: 16
    edited April 2017 #3

    Why did I contact Elddis? Because they made a faulty van only days ago........they may wish to know that their  workmanship was not how it should be!!. 

    I have no confidence in the dealership after dealing with them for the past 7 months. I think the video shows it quite clearly and it is certainly is not condensation.



  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,476
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    edited April 2017 #4

    Sorry, but I haven't a clue where that leak is. Is it a window surround, shower.....?

    Whilst I sympathise with your situation, your contract is with the supplying dealer. I'm surprised you bought from that dealership if they've given you grief for 7 months but they are the people to resolve the issue now.



  • commeyras
    commeyras Club Member Posts: 1,853
    1000 Comments 250 Likes
    edited April 2017 #5

    Am I right that this drip/leak is on the outside of the caravan under the awning rail?  Is it a join in the awning rail?  This should not happen so back to dealer asap.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
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    edited April 2017 #6

    The caravan is not fit for purpose and under the Consumer Protection Act you are entitled to your money back. You need to write to the dealer and tell them this, you can find the legal background and a draft letter on the Citizens Advice website.

    If you used a credit card for any part of the purchase or bought it on HP, not a bank loan, then the finance companies have equal liability and you should also write to them.

    You can also get advice from the clubs helpline if you need it.

    Write all letters recorded delivery and back them up with e mails.

    You do not have to put up with a leaky caravan and unless they are willing to put it right immediately then I would not suggest that you accept a repair. The sloppy so called service cannot be tolerated and the law is on your side.

  • flatcoat
    flatcoat Forum Participant Posts: 1,571
    edited April 2017 #7

    I am a bit confused. If this is as suggested above, at a joint in the awning rail I don't understand why you would contact Elddiss?! Your warranty is with the dealer. I accept it shouldn't leak but also can't get excited by something relatively minor. In the overall scheme of things and assuming everything else is fine then simply contact the dealer and take it from there. 

  • yorksman
    yorksman Forum Participant Posts: 30
    edited April 2017 #8

    i doubt this is leaking inside the van, a lot of awnings i have had let water pass through the joint in the rail but i have never had internal damp problems from it. rub a small amount of sealer into top of joint, this will stop water getting past the cord and running down the outside wall. your dealer will sort it no time. don't listen to the not fit for purpose brigade .

  • Pontyboy
    Pontyboy Forum Participant Posts: 22
    edited April 2017 #9

    Is this a wind up? It is obviously leaking on the outside of the van, where there is a slight gap where the awning rail joins together. Ok, it shouldn't leak, but I had that happen on one of our vans and sorted it out myself. I certainly wouldn't bother Elddis with it, who I must say have been more than helpful when I contacted them in the past. If you don't want to do it yourself, then it's a trip back to the supplying dealer.

  • pagan8c
    pagan8c Forum Participant Posts: 91
    edited April 2017 #10

    If you didn't have an awning on you wouldn't even notice this. To suggest this is a not fit for purpose claim is IMHO ridiculous .As 'pontyboy' said it is just a case of a bit of sealer on the Awning rail. If they had put too much sealer on then there would have been a claim because you couldn't get the awning threaded . I too would sort this out myself if I had even noticed it.

  • Bogart
    Bogart Forum Participant Posts: 34
    edited April 2017 #11

    I did wonder as looks obviously as mentioned before a leak in the awning. I can understand Elddis not being interested neither would any other manufacturer, customer service in the UK caravan makers dictionary does not exist. Anyway as also stated your contract is with the dealer not Elddis.

  • Jim and Isa
    Jim and Isa Forum Participant Posts: 16
    edited April 2017 #12

    Thanks for the various inputs. I never suggested that it was a major problem but none the less it is not acceptable and needs checking. What amazes me is some people think I should be putting sealer on a brand new van. Is that what caravaners  have come to accept or even expect? 

    Some responses suggest return to selling dealership but as mentioned I have no confidence in them and would never go back there unless I had to. 

    For those who suggest I should never contact the manufacturer, you may be interested to know that Elddis are sending two representatives out to meet me with at our storage facility so that they can inspect the van. (bit of a turn around since my first post)

    At the end of the day I have a 10 year ingress warranty but still disappointed to see water dripping from under the awning rail. The water is not coming from the joint in the rail it is coming through the sealer strip. If it is only a bit of sealant required then great but at least I will have had it checked properly. I am sure that when members of our club who pay a lot of money for their caravans and awnings would not be happy with water running down the outside of the van.


    Happy easter



  • flatcoat
    flatcoat Forum Participant Posts: 1,571
    edited April 2017 #13

    No i wouldn't be happy but better than running down the inside..... What has gone wrong with the dealer relationship to stop you going back there? Hope you get it sorted to your satisfaction. 

  • Rickster Davies
    Rickster Davies Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2018 #14

    Hi Jim and Isa what was the outcome of the Elddis reps coming out to see your caravan please? 

    I have had the same issues with my new Avante GTS 886

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited April 2018 #15

    Jim&isa, I couldn’t agree more- having spent goodness knows what on a brand new van, the last thing I would expect to do is to start sealing leaks!! Sometimes, things don’t work as the should and have to be sorted. Your dealer is the one to contact. Bad vibes or not, they have a responsibility to you- I’m sure they took your money fast enough. I am with another guy on site who has a Elddis Motorhome. 47 faults and counting!! It can’t all be put down to Elddis as supplied goods on board have failed but I would have hoped by now that the ‘Hymer’ effect would have shown itself with the explorer group. Perhaps the two guys seeing you is the start of better customer relations. I really do hope so. 

  • Pathfinder
    Pathfinder Forum Participant Posts: 4,446
    edited April 2018 #16

    "I am sure that when members of our club who pay a lot of money for their caravans and awnings would not be happy with water running down the outside of the van."


    Rain will always rundown the outside of the c'van when it rains, besides it's NOT WATER INGRESS because the water is on the outside of the c'van

  • Markheatrix
    Markheatrix Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited May 2018 #17

    We have just collected an Elddis Supreme 866 from the dealer. They told us that the upholstery would be different in our van on the April construction run but my wife wanted the original we had seen. Dealer agreed to swap out a set from an early delivery to our van. When we picked our van up 7 months later, we found all sorts of problems, mainly damage. Dealer swears blind we do not have the demonstrator model but a call to Elddis told us the van was shipped on 09.10.17, not our April model as we were told. We have warped doors, sauce and finger marks on the upholstery, scratches on the worktops, peeling wall tape, no handle on the shower door, and the silicon as well as being rubbish is completely discoloured as you would expect from over wintering in the NW of England. Dealer has offered collection and repair but we asked for £2.5k back in order to keep it. They refused and we have invoked our right to a full refund. Still waiting to hear how they will process this. We have found another van but need it sorting quick sharp as we go to France on 16th June.... watch this space.

  • MDD10
    MDD10 Forum Participant Posts: 335
    edited May 2018 #18

    Different issue but same legal point.  I bought a new Ford Car 18 months ago.  Numerous problems but once consistent one that the dealer could not resolve.  I took the issue to Ford at the highest level, including the chairman via Linkdin messaging.  Whilst willing to give some support and advice to the dealer, the complete message was from Ford:

    ”.you bought the car from the Ford Dealer.  Your contract is with them.  It is for them to sort out or replace.  It is not Ford Uk’s Issue to resolve”

    Ford UK were insistent they would not be involved in replacing or sorting the vehicle, with the exception of one of their technicians looking at it to support the dealer.  

    The lesson from this was that for 9 months  my local  Ford Dealer (not the supplier) tried to rectify it and told me it was fine them dealing with the issues.  Once Ford U.K. got involved, they were clear that the car had to go back to the supplying dealer for resolution.  Luckily whilst a bit of a journey, it wasn’t too far, although it had in excess of 30 visits to the dealer and for one of them, they had it for over 3 months 

    The lessons from this in respect of any major purchase such as cars and caravans is:

    1.  Whilst within warranty make sure the supplying dealer is the one dealing with any faults at all times.involving any other dealer, even recognised as an appointed dealer will potentially simply press the restart button on issues if you come to rejection.

    2. Make sure the supplying dealer do the servicing...yes I know about NCC registered service agents but a regular issue in disputes such as this is the argument about whether the fault came about from someone else 

    3 Don’t waste any time with the manufacturer.  Their position will be as Ford that your contract is with the dealer and they will not be interested.

    4 know your rights around rejection.  There are clearly defined timelines about when you can reject and the earlier you do, the easier it is...certainly within 28 days.

    What this does create is the issue of buying at caravan shows or distant dealers.  Would you want to have to do 30 plus visits at several hours each way.  Having bought a new Swift 12 months ago I am sick and tired of the constant problems (luckily not major such as leaks) but I have used the supplier at all times, and in fact was given this tip on the QT by an employee of a dealership I know..don’t take it anywhere else for service or warranty stuff until out of warranty...which is a long time!