Caravan Windows Discolouration

JohnM20 replied on 09/06/2023 16:48

Posted on 09/06/2023 16:48

My Lunar caravan has windows which have a black “decoration” around their periphery. This black surround , on the front windows in particular has gone quite grey. The caravan is only 8 years old. My query, originally put on the Lunar Owners Technical Support Group was, what has caused this and how can it be rectified? I got no positive replies but think I have found the answer which may be of help to others. The grey appears to be oxidation of the top surface. I have found that this can be removed and a bright shiny black surface restored. I tried various products but have found that Brasso works the best. It takes a lot of rubbing but does the job eventually. T-Cut was a close second choice.

I hope this helps if anyone else has a similar problem.

geoffeales replied on 20/06/2023 11:15

Posted on 20/06/2023 11:15

I'm probably teaching granny to suck eggs here, but be very careful not to get abrasive cleaners on the actual window for obvious reasons. Fenwicks have an excellent window cleaner called Windowise, not cheap but did the trick for me.

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