Wifi Price rise

Mikeyj replied on 10/04/2019 16:22

Posted on 10/04/2019 16:22

CAMC have put up the cost of wifi on its sites by 10% on the annual charge to £27.50. Have I missed something as there doesn’t appear to be anything in the way of explanation on the website or magazine?. Are they hoping that no-one will notice?

Solobay replied on 04/05/2019 11:11

Posted on 04/05/2019 11:11

I've bought a yearly pass for some years now but no longer - with 4G becoming so available and the CAMC sites I use generally only having hotspots and even those are often useless, I'm going 4g only this year.

If there was genuine quality wifi - across the full site - then I'd go back to a pass, just to save the phone as 50p a week is actually reasonable

young thomas replied on 04/05/2019 12:06

Posted on 04/05/2019 11:11 by Solobay

I've bought a yearly pass for some years now but no longer - with 4G becoming so available and the CAMC sites I use generally only having hotspots and even those are often useless, I'm going 4g only this year.

If there was genuine quality wifi - across the full site - then I'd go back to a pass, just to save the phone as 50p a week is actually reasonable

Posted on 04/05/2019 12:06

it's only 50p a week if you're on site using it every week of the year...

go away for a couple of weeks a year (as some are limited to...) and it's a lot dearer....per week.

like many others, with the relaxing of mobile 'rules' for European use, just having one 'system' (for all destinations) works best for us.

Cornersteady replied on 04/05/2019 12:11

Posted on 04/05/2019 11:21 by Tinwheeler

I’ve been using the mobi network for some years now, Solo, and find it far better than site Wi-fi.

Posted on 04/05/2019 12:11

 Just logged onto the club WiFi ( the free part) and I can't really see an great improvement over mobile data.

JVB66 replied on 04/05/2019 12:23

Posted on 04/05/2019 11:21 by Tinwheeler

I’ve been using the mobi network for some years now, Solo, and find it far better than site Wi-fi.

Posted on 04/05/2019 12:23

 We have been useing the on site wifi system since it was available for a twelve month payment, and on the majority of sites where it is available,has normally been quite usable, except clumber park but even mobile phones are a no no there,the times when it is really slow is normally where it is not used as specified (ie streaming films and games)

Tinwheeler replied on 04/05/2019 13:05

Posted on 04/05/2019 12:11 by Cornersteady

 Just logged onto the club WiFi ( the free part) and I can't really see an great improvement over mobile data.

Posted on 04/05/2019 13:05

Once all the trippers come home and start using it, the chances are the mobi data will be better, Corners.

Tinwheeler replied on 04/05/2019 13:11

Posted on 04/05/2019 12:23 by JVB66

 We have been useing the on site wifi system since it was available for a twelve month payment, and on the majority of sites where it is available,has normally been quite usable, except clumber park but even mobile phones are a no no there,the times when it is really slow is normally where it is not used as specified (ie streaming films and games)

Posted on 04/05/2019 13:11

"Where it is available" has a bearing on my choice, JV. A lot of club sites north of The Border don’t have site wifi and privately owned ones certainly don’t so my £27.50 would be largely wasted.

Even where it is available, I find site Wi-fi pathetically slow a lot of the time so I’d sooner not bother.

trevtp replied on 04/05/2019 16:53

Posted on 12/04/2019 07:00 by Whittakerr

Not sure why you would want to include it into site fees when you say you prefer to use your sim cards as site wifi is rubbish?

I didn't say i would want to include it into site fees. I have no need for wifi on site and it wouldn't bother me if none was provided thereby saving the club money.

Posted on 04/05/2019 16:53

At £27 per year wifi shouldn't be costing the club any money. I think this charge is too high. I recently stayed on a C&CC club site in the Lake District and enjoyed free wifi with a good reception. Most private sites we have visited also have free wifi only sometimes not very good.

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