Tier 3

kcim replied on 26/11/2020 12:24

Posted on 26/11/2020 12:24

So we are in west Yorkshire and in tier 3 are we allowed to travel to other areas in 3 from 2/12 for eg Greater Manchester (Burrs) or Nottingham and Staffordshire sites or only sites in West Yorkshire? 

replied on 26/11/2020 17:48

Posted on 26/11/2020 17:39 by

Very simple. The first minister has announced that they are looking at the tier three areas of England to see if they are missing anything The important point that he made however is that any future restrictions will apply to the whole of Wales. which I find ridiculous as there is such a varied level of cases (in general) between North and South Wales.

Posted on 26/11/2020 17:48

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Compo replied on 26/11/2020 18:19

Posted on 26/11/2020 18:19

I suspect that it will be very difficult for areas to get out of the higher tiers, when one of the things considered before making that decision is pressure on the local NHS – including current and projected NHS capacity based on data around admissions, general/acute/ICU bed occupancy, staff absences. Even without covid hospitals are usually under pressure at this time of year.

Wherenext replied on 26/11/2020 20:10

Posted on 26/11/2020 20:10

I suspect that it will be very difficult for areas to get out of the higher tiers,

Liverpool City area seem to have managed it, for the time being at least.

Wherenext replied on 26/11/2020 20:14

Posted on 26/11/2020 17:48 by

I thought you were speaking of 'now'. I have missed that announcement - haven't seen the Welsh news for a few days. No TV reception where we are, and Radio 4 news has been taken up with what's happening in England.

On the whole, I have been satisfied with the way things have been handled in Wales up to now.


Posted on 26/11/2020 20:14

He was talking about it being a Nationwide action rather than follow the tiered system and I suspect it wasn't a lockdown but more of the same with a few tweaks here and there. But I'll post whatever it is as you seem to be bereft of news of Wales. Radio Cymru not working in your area?

replied on 26/11/2020 21:13

Posted on 26/11/2020 20:14 by Wherenext

He was talking about it being a Nationwide action rather than follow the tiered system and I suspect it wasn't a lockdown but more of the same with a few tweaks here and there. But I'll post whatever it is as you seem to be bereft of news of Wales. Radio Cymru not working in your area?

Posted on 26/11/2020 21:13

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Compo replied on 26/11/2020 21:15

Posted on 26/11/2020 20:10 by Wherenext

I suspect that it will be very difficult for areas to get out of the higher tiers,

Liverpool City area seem to have managed it, for the time being at least.

Posted on 26/11/2020 21:15

Yes, they have done well. Hope more are able to follow. Time will tell.

replied on 26/11/2020 21:25

Posted on 26/11/2020 21:17 by Wherenext

WTG - It was a geniune offer. I'll forewarn when I wither.smile

Have a safe trip.

Posted on 26/11/2020 21:25

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MikeyA replied on 27/11/2020 10:07

Posted on 26/11/2020 20:10 by Wherenext

I suspect that it will be very difficult for areas to get out of the higher tiers,

Liverpool City area seem to have managed it, for the time being at least.

Posted on 27/11/2020 10:07

Was it not obvious that Liverpool would be changed to Tier 2 as a reward for mass testing. If they had remained in Tier 3 then why would anyone spend time queueing in future for a test for no result. 

I accept that one reason for testing is to try to find those who are asymptomatic so they can self quarantine, however I find it difficult to believe that both of us are asymptomatic and more likely neither of us have Covid.

SeasideBill replied on 27/11/2020 11:56

Posted on 26/11/2020 18:19 by Compo

I suspect that it will be very difficult for areas to get out of the higher tiers, when one of the things considered before making that decision is pressure on the local NHS – including current and projected NHS capacity based on data around admissions, general/acute/ICU bed occupancy, staff absences. Even without covid hospitals are usually under pressure at this time of year.

Posted on 27/11/2020 11:56

Not entirely sure about that...if that were a major determinant, Cornwall would be firmly in tier 3.

Agree that Liverpool designation is largely political. Andy Burnham has only succeeded in annoying Boris. 

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