People's general complaints

ClubMember2A00136309 replied on 27/08/2018 20:05

Posted on 27/08/2018 20:05

I've just read a lengthy complaint about someone moaning about dogs and their owners. As a dog owner I do sympathise but at the same time I have found people with and without children, young and old to be equally as obnoxious. I go away for a quiet break in quiet surroundings, I don't expect children and adults (in particular) to walk across my pitch, be very loud, shout and be downright  rude. Maybe everyone ought to stop watching, learning and behaving as if they are part of EastEnders and a Jeremy Kyle show. 

ClubMember2A00136309 replied on 27/08/2018 20:45

Posted on 27/08/2018 20:45

I'm 47 and my husband 20 years older, maybe people ought to learn a little respect and compassion for their fellow human! Its not always the youngsters that are rude, inconsiderate etc. A few weeks ago we saw a couple in their 70s in rural Lincolnshire stopping and throwing rubbish out of their window, we've stood at Kings Cross and been shocked at people of all ages throwing rubbish on the floor ( a litter picker was shocked that I went up to him and gave him my rubbish!) and in Birmingham we told children to stop vandalising artwork whilst their parents and security guards watched. When we approached the security guards all they could say is 'what can we do'??? We've taken the decision to move to France where respect for people and the planet is first. We've been in French supermarkets and listened to the rude English make comments about the French. Unfortunately for them I look French and can understand every word. 

Takethedogalong replied on 27/08/2018 20:50

Posted on 27/08/2018 20:50

Good luck in France. I have some sympathy with what you say, but France? Respect for the Planet? You might not recall it was the French that sank Greenpeace's flagship, the Rainbow Warrior! cool

Tinwheeler replied on 27/08/2018 20:54

Posted on 27/08/2018 20:54

JL, I have sympathy and I know you’re right in many ways as aspects of some peoples' behaviour could be better but there are good people out there and it’s my belief that they vastly outnumber the bad.

It's also my belief that dwelling on the bad does us no good as individuals. We can end up with chips on our shoulders and find ourselves plunging into the depths of despair. Far better to adopt a positive attitude, concentrate on the good and, if we can, do something to improve the bad.

mickysf replied on 27/08/2018 21:03

Posted on 27/08/2018 20:50 by Takethedogalong

Good luck in France. I have some sympathy with what you say, but France? Respect for the Planet? You might not recall it was the French that sank Greenpeace's flagship, the Rainbow Warrior! cool

Posted on 27/08/2018 21:03

IT wasn't the French people, it was a political act.  We Brits are equally implicated in such political atrocities which do not reflect the belief of the  people of our nation. On the whole, I've found the French to be far more considerate, along with the Danes, the Germans etc. than 'we' are. Often, travelling around our island, I'm ashamed at our actions and attitudes. However, many of us do care! 

Takethedogalong replied on 28/08/2018 10:43

Posted on 27/08/2018 21:03 by mickysf

IT wasn't the French people, it was a political act.  We Brits are equally implicated in such political atrocities which do not reflect the belief of the  people of our nation. On the whole, I've found the French to be far more considerate, along with the Danes, the Germans etc. than 'we' are. Often, travelling around our island, I'm ashamed at our actions and attitudes. However, many of us do care! 

Posted on 28/08/2018 10:43

You are correct Micky! 

Actually, I like French folks. If something gets on their pip they do something about it. Fond of a revolution as well. Much better at sorting out their Government than we have ever been!laughing

Oneputt replied on 28/08/2018 11:20

Posted on 28/08/2018 11:20

Glad I don’t spit the dummy or I could be living in multiple countries.

To me peeps are same the whole world doesn’t depend on nationality.  

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