Not moving with the times

Del Sandy replied on 21/08/2020 12:37

Posted on 21/08/2020 12:37

This club could be fantastic, if only it was to listen to its members, some reasons below;

1. Very slow website, cannot find a website as slow as this one, even ones you do not have to pay for!

2. Inability to search for fully serviced pitches (perhaps because they do not have many)

3. Being superseded by free forums such as Adults only caravan sites on Facebook

4. Wasting money, why does the club not ask all members if they need a magazine, I would have been happy to have an electronic version, also helping the environment

5. With all my posts asking for reasons for these issues not being addressed and approaching the site directly no action has been taken, or even reasons why they cannot

I have enjoyed the discussions on the site and interestingly my concerns have been covered several times by others. Note the times I go on the website has to be on off peak times due to the slow website.

It is sad that I will not be renewing my membership, as I do not intend to pay for membership where there is no official feedback from the club when issues are raised.

Hopefully I will rejoin when basic issues are sorted out.

Kind Regards



replied on 25/08/2020 10:20

Posted on 25/08/2020 10:20

Some should hold a microlight


Rufs replied on 25/08/2020 11:14

Posted on 25/08/2020 10:13 by SteveL

However, the trend on commercial sites is towards huge inflatable ‘aircraft hanger’ style tents for large families and all the their toys.

Not sure the pitches are big enough for an aircraft hanger type.😂However, family rather than back pack would appear to be the way the Bridport site is going, with so many of the tent pitches having acces to EHU.

Posted on 25/08/2020 11:14

Bingham Grange was a great site before the club bought it, if they have so many tents I hope the club have upgraded the facilities blocks, as the original facilities would not be that great for so many users , last i heard the club had put on hold the upgrade and were rxing many complaints from members as facilites not up to scratch.

Used site many times when it was commercial with no problems, bit quirky, not what you would expect on a club site.  

P.S. i wonder if the club are using what used to be caravan/mh pitches as tenting pitches, some pitches were a little small and close together perhaps better suited to your average tent ?

DavidKlyne replied on 25/08/2020 11:56

Posted on 25/08/2020 11:14 by Rufs

Bingham Grange was a great site before the club bought it, if they have so many tents I hope the club have upgraded the facilities blocks, as the original facilities would not be that great for so many users , last i heard the club had put on hold the upgrade and were rxing many complaints from members as facilites not up to scratch.

Used site many times when it was commercial with no problems, bit quirky, not what you would expect on a club site.  

P.S. i wonder if the club are using what used to be caravan/mh pitches as tenting pitches, some pitches were a little small and close together perhaps better suited to your average tent ?

Posted on 25/08/2020 11:56

You are not the only person who has suggested that this site has been ruined by being taken over by the Club! The strange thing is if you read the reviews, by Club members granted, they just feel it is not up to standard, small pitches, poor facilities. So what does this mean, that Club members are more discerning and are used to a better quality of site? It's not a site I would probably use because it's a bit remote and there are sites nearer the coast which would suit me better. I am waiting to make a return visit to Cayton Village to see how the refurbishment has gone there. I appreciate that CMC sites are a bit formulaic but no one can deny their popularity?


Rufs replied on 25/08/2020 12:07

Posted on 25/08/2020 12:07

You are not the only person who has suggested that this site has been ruined by being taken over by the Club! The strange thing is if you read the reviews, by Club members granted, they just feel it is not up to standard, small pitches, poor facilities. So what does this mean, that Club members are more discerning and are used to a better quality of site? 

Most club member i have met expect to role onto a site and for that site to be almost identical to the one they were on previously, and previously and previously etc.

As i said Bingham Grange was Quirky, totally different to what you would expect from a club site, but all the better for this, IMO, perhaps that is why we do not use club sites much.

replied on 25/08/2020 12:18

Posted on 25/08/2020 12:18

Most club member i have met expect to role onto a site and for that site to be almost identical to the one they were on previously, and previously and previously etc.

Strangely not a conversation that I have ever had and I visit a number of CMC sites each year

Rufs replied on 25/08/2020 12:24

Posted on 25/08/2020 12:18 by

Most club member i have met expect to role onto a site and for that site to be almost identical to the one they were on previously, and previously and previously etc.

Strangely not a conversation that I have ever had and I visit a number of CMC sites each year

Posted on 25/08/2020 12:24

Of course you dont have an actual conversation , it is a given, for members on club sites, and when it is not, such a Bingham they are not happy, and that is when the conversations arise undecided

Cornersteady replied on 25/08/2020 13:27

Posted on 25/08/2020 12:24 by Rufs

Of course you dont have an actual conversation , it is a given, for members on club sites, and when it is not, such a Bingham they are not happy, and that is when the conversations arise undecided

Posted on 25/08/2020 13:27

 Sorry Ruffs but not what you originally said, 

Most club member i have met... this indicated a meeting and an exchange of thoughts by some process, now you're just saying it is a given? Which is it?

Anyway I think you'r right, the club knows what sells well and what club members want, and indeed does this very well indeed if all the threads about how difficult it is to get pitches at the moments while others report lots of pitches on non club sites.

What is so wrong with the offering what it does and how it does it? It has occupancy rates other sites can only envy I would think.

Cornersteady replied on 25/08/2020 13:30

Posted on 25/08/2020 09:35 by SeasideBill

Can’t help thinking that diversification isn’t a good thing for lovers of peace & quiet. Tents seen on CMC sites are generally small occupied by a couple or solo cyclist etc. However, the trend on commercial sites is towards huge inflatable ‘aircraft hanger’ style tents for large families and all the their toys. Ready erected tents and glamping options fall into the same category and attract weekend party groups who are not always respectful of the campsite environment.

Posted on 25/08/2020 13:30

Can't say I've ever found that on club sites with pods and the like that this 'dis-respectfulness' you talk about, just people enjoying themselves in the same way as other happy camper and adhering to club site rules. What direct experiences have you had on club sites like you mention?

also no reviews ever mention any problems? 

Rufs replied on 25/08/2020 13:44

Posted on 25/08/2020 13:44

Most club member i have met... this indicated a meeting and an exchange of thoughts by some process, now you're just saying it is a given? Which is it?

Both really, being a sociable chappy normally pass the time of day with others on site, especially when walking the dog, and of course it is often said "nice site this isn't it" not really a conversation just an acknowledgement of the given, and yes we used club sites quite often when we lived in Scotland, but find now that much better choice of commercial sites down south especially with swimming facilites which i very much like and prepared to pay a little more for.

But you can see the mind set of a lot of club members when you see the comments re Bingham Grange , not sure of occupancy rates just now but was always well supported when we visited, but lots of people love club sites, so nothing wrong with that, as Oscar Wilde once said "you can't please all of the people all of the time"laughing

replied on 25/08/2020 13:48

Posted on 25/08/2020 12:24 by Rufs

Of course you dont have an actual conversation , it is a given, for members on club sites, and when it is not, such a Bingham they are not happy, and that is when the conversations arise undecided

Posted on 25/08/2020 13:48

Not a given for this member. I visit (normally) about 22 sites a year whilst on tour. At least 50% are non CMC. I presume that you re going solely on your personal perceptions of what you think that others think without any knowledge of their thoughts.

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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