Covid 19 and membership

marsdensear replied on 22/03/2020 23:58

Posted on 22/03/2020 23:58

As all sites and CC approved sites have been suspended for 3 months (30th June) are we to expect the CMHC to suspend all memberships for 3 months.? My membership is due in July so I'm a bit loathed to not be able to use it and go anywhere only to be hit with a renewal as the suspension is lifted.

Moderator Comment - This post has been locked as it has gone way off topic and now only seems to be a vehicle for some to have a pop at other posters. The thread has been reported to the Community Manager who may decide to reopen having reviewed the thread and when deletions of the offending posts have been made. 


PITCHTOCLOSE replied on 13/04/2020 09:28

Posted on 08/04/2020 15:14 by fatbelly

I want a refund on my unused membership for the period of the lockdown. I am currently on part time hours and my partner has no income because her company recently making her redundant. So this means that we are having to pay our bills, mortgage & buy food etc on 25% of what we were earning only a few months ago. Right now I DONT GIVE A MONKEYS ABOUT THE CLUBS FINANCES but I am really scared on how we will make ends meet & most importantly pay our mortgage over the coming months. I'm guessing 3 months refund of membership fees would be about £12.50 which is about the amount we set aside to feed ourselves for 2 days. 


Posted on 13/04/2020 09:28

Correct FB, this a business not a club.

Cornersteady replied on 13/04/2020 09:36

Posted on 13/04/2020 08:25 by

Yes Alan that's a reasonable view but you are not the one vociferously posting that we are all getting services (including the use of this forum) that we should be happy to continue  paying for when we patently are not ( getting them).

Posted on 13/04/2020 09:36

that we should be happy to continue paying...

I do so wish you would not make things up to support your point, either you do not read my posts or are trying to stir things up, I'll give you a BOD.

If that was aimed at me you will not find anywhere that I have said anyone should be happy to continue paying (please find and repost?) In fact I have said the opposite, and I have only said that I am happy to continue paying to support the club and everyone else should make their own mind up. Perhaps you should give the same courtesy to others rather than vociferously posting about how your viewpoint is the correct one to be followed?

I find it strange that you take this stance about when by your own admission you hardly use club sites anyway and therefore missing out on nothing and said you didn't care either way?

Cornersteady replied on 13/04/2020 09:44

Posted on 13/04/2020 01:23 by KjellNN

An understandable mistake, however I did work several years in Norway after my studies, and served in the  Norwegian army before studying. 

As OH has many problems, she has not worked but rather been home with our children, an important role of course, and then looking her Mum, so she has almost no pension, other than about £3500  pa, based on my qualifying years.

So, for us, your £7700  + £6900 represents  well over one third of our post tax income.  Having only 37 qualifying years for pension here in U.K., my Norwegian pension, though not huge, does make a significant contribution to our income.


Posted on 13/04/2020 09:44

So, for us, your £7700 + £6900 represents well over one third of our post tax income. 

As you have said before abut yourself K you are certainly 'a pensioner on a limited income' smile

DavidKlyne replied on 13/04/2020 10:19

Posted on 13/04/2020 08:56 by huskydog

Speculation again ? ,or do you have hard facts ?

Posted on 13/04/2020 10:19

The hard facts are in the annual accounts. There have been quite a few years when the site network has made a loss or very small surpluses. So whilst it may have been a "throw away line" from the Regional Manager there is more than a thread of truth in it. The surpluses built up by the Club have in the main come from insurance as the Club is a pretty big player. Likewise ferry bookings provide a lot of income. This all goes to support the site network and allows the purchase of new sites and the refurbishment of current sites. The Club will suffer a double whammy this year as they will obviously get far less income from Club sites, if any depending on how long it is before restrictions are lifted. As people are not going abroad they will also suffer from loss of income from that quarter. So those are the "Hard Facts".  Loss of membership subscriptions either by people not renewing or by extending membership could also be another nail. Another consequence of the current situation is that those people that make minimum use of their outfits might well decide they won't bother to carry on particularly if sites remained closed through the summer.


EmilysDad replied on 13/04/2020 10:32

Posted on 13/04/2020 09:11 by Cornersteady

I have a number of annual payments that I cannot use at the moment, NTS HS, WWT,  Beamish Museum, NYMR and other various railway preservation societies  and my annual over there insurance, but none of them have said they will give a refund or an extra three months. The club isn't the only one to do this.

Posted on 13/04/2020 10:32

 all charities though aren't they .... 

replied on 13/04/2020 10:36

Posted on 13/04/2020 09:36 by Cornersteady

that we should be happy to continue paying...

I do so wish you would not make things up to support your point, either you do not read my posts or are trying to stir things up, I'll give you a BOD.

If that was aimed at me you will not find anywhere that I have said anyone should be happy to continue paying (please find and repost?) In fact I have said the opposite, and I have only said that I am happy to continue paying to support the club and everyone else should make their own mind up. Perhaps you should give the same courtesy to others rather than vociferously posting about how your viewpoint is the correct one to be followed?

I find it strange that you take this stance about when by your own admission you hardly use club sites anyway and therefore missing out on nothing and said you didn't care either way?

Posted on 13/04/2020 10:36

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

brue replied on 13/04/2020 10:37

Posted on 13/04/2020 08:51 by JVB66

One of our site staff friends ,advised a couple of years back that they had been told (after a spat with their RM) that the core buisiness of the club was Travel and Insurances ,  and that the sites network was not making a profit, but was there with a pool of members for the other parts of the club buisiness surprised

Posted on 13/04/2020 10:37

I think you need to look at the accounts JVB, that is where the answer lies regarding the business of the club not anecdotal evidence. I note the club does have to keep a certain amount back in reserve due to the type of unforeseen event that is happening now. Whether they or any other businesses expected anything on this scale remains to be seen. 

mbee1 replied on 13/04/2020 10:41

Posted on 13/04/2020 10:41

I think some of the comments are getting out of perspective here.  Some, if not many, businesses will go to the wall before this is over, many in the leisure industry.  The club won't as it has sufficient reserves and has side interests, for example, insurance that still brings in substantial amounts of income. Lots of individuals will also find it hard to survive, many of whom are club members and may not be able to continue their hobby if they have to sell their units just to be able to carry on living.

My wife and I are fortunate in that we both still work.  She's in the NHS so still working and being paid and my business is largely unaffected and I can work from home. We count ourselves extremely fortunate. 

No one knows what will happen but, as I work in a finance related profession, once the furlough scheme ends, there will be lots of unemployment and many small self employed traders won't survive.  All businesses will have to cut costs and I'd like the see the CAMC doing that if it means losing staff (hopefully through natural wastage), and keeping fees down. Yes that means not putting site fees up more than inflation, keeping membership fees at the same level and extending membership by the number of months we have been unable to use it. These will be minor things as far as the Club is concerned but will be major things to some members who may be able to maintain their hobby. 

replied on 13/04/2020 10:41

Posted on 13/04/2020 10:41

Loss of membership subscriptions either by people not renewing or by extending membership could also be another nail.

Membership income is not lost in the immediate future by extending the term. It is one way to encourage renewal and to get cash in. Any resultant short term shortfall would be a year hence by which time the club would hope to be doing business again

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