Club sites - advance booking system

ask66 replied on 20/03/2018 09:24

Posted on 20/03/2018 09:24

Hi all, I'm sure this has been discussed before but here goes...

We normally use CLs as we like the peace & quiet and are happy to use our onboard shower and toilet etc., but on a certain weekend towards the end of June we want to visit Castleton in the Peak District.  There are no CLs in the village, leaving the Club site as the only option.

Looking online I see that no pitches are available for that weekend, or indeed for most weekends!

Now I have no problem if everyone who has booked actually turns up - good for them for planning ahead - but with the current system there is nothing to stop people making a large number of advance bookings, then cancelling right up to 72 hours before.  I can't wait that late - if the site is going to be full, we will want to book a B&B or hotel instead.

Would it not be a better idea for all pre-bookings to require a deposit of say £5 or £10 per night (more for the most popular sites, e.g. near London), refundable where there is a genuine reason for cancellation?  I believe a similar system may be operated by the Camping & Caravanning Club and this would surely deter people from  making advance bookings when they haven't really decided whether or not they will be going!

It would be helpful to know how many pitches are booked and then cancelled before the 72 hour deadline, just to give an idea of how much of a problem this really is.  Perhaps the Club could make some figures available.

Just to repeat, I have no problem with the site showing as full if all those who have pre-booked actually show up (give or take the odd one or two with genuine reasons for cancellation).

What do others think?

Spriddler replied on 22/03/2018 20:04

Posted on 22/03/2018 20:04

Last early May bank hol I was away in my m/h in Yorkshire when I heard from my niece early in the morning that my 89 yr old sister in West Cornwall had been taken into hosp gravely ill. I set off straight away on a 400 mile drive. I phoned a CAMC site en route (which was shown as fully booked on the website) under great stress and explained. The lovely lady said that they were fully booked but to call in when I arrived and she would see what could be done.  She phoned me back an hour later to tell me that she'd spoken to a couple of nearby sites (under her own initiative) who assured her that they would find room if necessary.  I arrived at the site about 9pm. and she said someone had paid for that night but had left early so a pitch was available. I got to the hosp at 9.45pm and my sister died at 11. The warden had left the gates unlocked for me and found room for the 3 nights following which enabled me to deal with formalities. Bless her.

Yes, always worth a phone call.

Tinwheeler replied on 22/03/2018 21:22

Posted on 22/03/2018 21:22

Spriddler, thank you for sharing your story which shows how good wardens can be. It must have helped ease the stress at a very difficult time for you.

Cornersteady replied on 22/03/2018 21:51

Posted on 22/03/2018 21:22 by Tinwheeler

Spriddler, thank you for sharing your story which shows how good wardens can be. It must have helped ease the stress at a very difficult time for you.

Posted on 22/03/2018 21:51


I've said it before but the wardens are a USP of the club

DSB replied on 23/03/2018 09:40

Posted on 23/03/2018 09:40

I haven't read through the whole thread, but just to clarify about the new booking system........

"Looking to book for 2019? Right now, you can book up to and including 31 March 2019. We've changed the way we put UK Club site pitches on sale so you can now book up to a year ahead, all year round. All you need to remember is whichever month we are in, you can book up to and including the same month next year. Find out more: 


brue replied on 23/03/2018 09:49

Posted on 23/03/2018 09:49

An ideal time to book an early break next year at Rowntree Park or Baltic Wharf (if it's still open?). smile

I should add, as I've just been looking, that you might need to wait for each month to clear, some pages look full at first glance if you're using the forward arrow.

peedee replied on 23/03/2018 10:41

Posted on 23/03/2018 10:41

An ideal time to book an early break next year at Rowntree Park or Baltic Wharf (if it's still open?). smile

Especially as you can cancel without penalty if you change your mind. wink

My main breaks are already booked for 2019.


near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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