Club AGM 2020

RowenaBCAMC replied on 05/10/2020 10:53

Posted on 05/10/2020 10:53

The Club AGM will take place at 2pm on Saturday 24 October 2020. 

However, due to the challenges and uncertainties arising from the Covid-19 pandemic and with the health and safety of our members being our priority, the meeting will no longer take place at Chester Racecourse.

The AGM will now be available to view via a Zoom webinar. More information can be found here: smile

replied on 25/10/2020 10:26

Posted on 25/10/2020 09:41 by DavidKlyne

Even in 2019 the figures were not very good with revenues from Overseas travel down -12.5% and Red Pennant -18.5%. They seem to be blaming that on the Brexit effect. At a guess I would think that 2021 could also be problematic depending if and when, or if, people make decisions to travel abroad. There will also be the double whammy of rule changes depending on what rules we actually end up with? I appreciate there will be some stalwarts that will travel regardless but I wonder how representative they are of the general membership?


Posted on 25/10/2020 10:26

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replied on 25/10/2020 10:29

Posted on 25/10/2020 10:24 by brue

I meant the 2019 figures, sorry I didn't make clear. 

Posted on 25/10/2020 10:29

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brue replied on 25/10/2020 10:42

Posted on 25/10/2020 10:42

Yes, it will be bad, they said that so, a big challenge (no doubt the same for all connected with overseas travel.) The overseas travel section is separate from the UK one so I can't see one propping up the other. 

They stated that Brexit possibly caused the initial downturn maybe it affected all overseas travel last year?

A double whammy for Brits wanting to travel to Europe, Brexit and Covid.

replied on 25/10/2020 11:32

Posted on 25/10/2020 10:42 by brue

Yes, it will be bad, they said that so, a big challenge (no doubt the same for all connected with overseas travel.) The overseas travel section is separate from the UK one so I can't see one propping up the other. 

They stated that Brexit possibly caused the initial downturn maybe it affected all overseas travel last year?

A double whammy for Brits wanting to travel to Europe, Brexit and Covid.

Posted on 25/10/2020 11:32

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DavidKlyne replied on 25/10/2020 11:54

Posted on 25/10/2020 10:26 by

You may well be right about the Brexit effect. It won't stop us our ferries are already paid for but if it is the beginning of regular losses from overseas travel the shortfall can only come from one source.

Posted on 25/10/2020 11:54

I suppose we won't really know until the 2021 AGM when hopefully we might be getting back to more normal circumstances to find out what the real damage has actually been. When the UK sites have been open they have been pretty busy and hopefully that increased occupancy will offset, at least in part, the shortfall from when they were closed. The UK site network has been in deficit before and it has not necessarily lead to a big increase in fees. However as pointed out at the AGM costs are rising faster than indicated by the inflation figures, The New Living Wage was mentioned as a particular pressure on costs. I don't think many would deny people being paid a reasonable wage but we have to accept that has a direct impact on how much it costs to run a campsite.

Overseas travel is also not easy to predict. As I have said some will go regardless but there will be many that are "thinking about it" and perhaps feeling a bit unsure. There will also be those, probably in the older age group, who having taken two or three years out of European Travel will be questioning whether it's something they want to do again? Everything is so up in the air it's not possible to say with any confidence what will happen next!


brue replied on 25/10/2020 12:01

Posted on 25/10/2020 12:01

AD. I would imagine a loss making section wouldn't be able to conitnue in the long run but I hope the Overseas section doesn't take a further battering. 

replied on 25/10/2020 12:19

Posted on 25/10/2020 11:54 by DavidKlyne

I suppose we won't really know until the 2021 AGM when hopefully we might be getting back to more normal circumstances to find out what the real damage has actually been. When the UK sites have been open they have been pretty busy and hopefully that increased occupancy will offset, at least in part, the shortfall from when they were closed. The UK site network has been in deficit before and it has not necessarily lead to a big increase in fees. However as pointed out at the AGM costs are rising faster than indicated by the inflation figures, The New Living Wage was mentioned as a particular pressure on costs. I don't think many would deny people being paid a reasonable wage but we have to accept that has a direct impact on how much it costs to run a campsite.

Overseas travel is also not easy to predict. As I have said some will go regardless but there will be many that are "thinking about it" and perhaps feeling a bit unsure. There will also be those, probably in the older age group, who having taken two or three years out of European Travel will be questioning whether it's something they want to do again? Everything is so up in the air it's not possible to say with any confidence what will happen next!


Posted on 25/10/2020 12:19

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peedee replied on 25/10/2020 13:27

Posted on 25/10/2020 13:27

I believe the use of  travel agents was in decline even before Brexit and COVID. Why would the use of the Club as a booking agent be any different?  Brexit was just a further factor.

It wasn't only the Living Wage putting pressure on site costs, I did note that  electricity was the single most


JVB66 replied on 25/10/2020 13:48

Posted on 24/10/2020 15:33 by brue

Interesting, disappointed to see the general web site issues were batted away. Will the booking system ever get a re-think, not clear on that one either. I concur with most of the reactions on here. Pleased to have had the opportunity to see the AGM. smile

Posted on 25/10/2020 13:48

With the "announcement?" that in the next 12/18 months a new booking system could be in the pipeline? is it the reason some parts of the club website ,do not appear to be getting any where near sorted,as the cost  has been found to be too high and would be overtaken by the new system so not finacially viable at this time?undecided

Just my musingswink

brue replied on 25/10/2020 14:06

Posted on 25/10/2020 14:06

Deleted User User, the results for 2017 in the 2018 report (just had a look, thanks for the link) show a net contribution from the travel section at 2,780 and the net membership contribition at 12,625.

Yes, many are waiting to get going with Euro travel plans even those who appear less enthusiastic, chance would now be a fine thing!! In the meantime businesses have to remain stable in Europe to accommodate everyone. 

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