Booking difficulty for pre covid members

Redzed32 replied on 30/08/2020 10:25

Posted on 30/08/2020 10:25

With the onslaught of the covid virus and the massive restrictions on foreign travel , it appears not only that the existing membership are filling up club sites , but I suspect also a large influx of new members are too . This is great for the campsites , as they have all faced a very difficult season this year . However , I am experiencing that finding pitches now is very difficult , and a great deal of the sites that could be booked a month in advance previously are full to the end of the season . This obviously makes me question whether membership is actually worth it now , as so far this summer after about  6 weekend breaks , I have realised that none of these were possible through the club . 

This is obviously very disheartening , but there is a much bigger concern at play here , and that is next years bookings . No one has a crystal ball regarding the impact of covid , and we cannot predict what will happen next month , far less what will happen next year . We have the possibility of much of next years sites being booked up by people who would normally holiday abroad , and taking advantage of the booking system . If this occurs , and next year we have little or no travel restrictions , we will end up with a situation again where pre covid members cannot get pitches , and the sites will have a whole load of pre-booked vacant pitches . 

Can I ask ; are other members here experiencing this as well ? And Also ; Does the club itself have concerns about the possibility of the above situation occurring , and how to address this ? 

replied on 02/09/2020 22:55

Posted on 02/09/2020 22:34 by SeasideBill

You’ll need to ask the ‘people’ about that....something along the lines of “as a CMC member are you happy to pay the same or higher rate as non-members pay for comparable sites, even though you pay a subscription of £54 (plus joining fee)?”


Posted on 02/09/2020 22:55

as a CMC member are you happy to pay the same or higher rate as non-members pay for comparable sites

I would point out that as a CMC member over very many years I do not just use CMC sites. I am happy to pay the same or even more when I use a CMC site as ,for me, they generally tick my boxes better.

SeasideBill replied on 02/09/2020 22:58

Posted on 02/09/2020 22:45 by Tinwheeler

No need, Seaside. Their actions, ie paying to use club sites, speaks volumes.👍🏻

Of course, the reverse can also apply "Are you happy to be paying less on a CAMC site than on many commercial sites". I think I know the answer to that one as well.😂

Posted on 02/09/2020 22:58

The only problem with that assumption is that I’m a member and I’m not happy which is why, with very exceptions, I’ve booked CCC or commercial sites in preference to CMC sites this year. Maybe I’m the only one in the entire CMC membership, but I feel more qualified to make that statement as somebody who has researched and used a number of sites this year. You, in contrast, according to your posts haven’t been on any.

As for your second post, sorry but the joke is lost on me. 

replied on 02/09/2020 23:08

Posted on 02/09/2020 22:58 by SeasideBill

The only problem with that assumption is that I’m a member and I’m not happy which is why, with very exceptions, I’ve booked CCC or commercial sites in preference to CMC sites this year. Maybe I’m the only one in the entire CMC membership, but I feel more qualified to make that statement as somebody who has researched and used a number of sites this year. You, in contrast, according to your posts haven’t been on any.

As your for your second post, sorry but the joke is lost on me. 

Posted on 02/09/2020 23:08

Not been out this year. Happy and busy though.

In recent years (and before) CMC have made up around 60 percent of my sites usage. If they are where I wish to be they are my firs choice. 

SeasideBill replied on 02/09/2020 23:18

Posted on 02/09/2020 23:08 by

Not been out this year. Happy and busy though.

In recent years (and before) CMC have made up around 60 percent of my sites usage. If they are where I wish to be they are my firs choice. 

Posted on 02/09/2020 23:18

So, for example. If you wanted to stay near Malvern and there were two sites next to each other, one CMC and the other CCC. Assuming (like me) you were members of both, would you choose CMC even though it was £9 a night more expensive for the same facilities?

Tinwheeler replied on 02/09/2020 23:33

Posted on 02/09/2020 22:58 by SeasideBill

The only problem with that assumption is that I’m a member and I’m not happy which is why, with very exceptions, I’ve booked CCC or commercial sites in preference to CMC sites this year. Maybe I’m the only one in the entire CMC membership, but I feel more qualified to make that statement as somebody who has researched and used a number of sites this year. You, in contrast, according to your posts haven’t been on any.

As for your second post, sorry but the joke is lost on me. 

Posted on 02/09/2020 23:33

This year, last year - it makes no difference at all. Moans about prices have been going on for years but still there are complaints about not being able to book due to full sites. One belies the other.🤷‍♂️

SeasideBill replied on 03/09/2020 00:00

Posted on 02/09/2020 23:33 by Tinwheeler

This year, last year - it makes no difference at all. Moans about prices have been going on for years but still there are complaints about not being able to book due to full sites. One belies the other.🤷‍♂️

Posted on 03/09/2020 00:00

Well actually it does, this discussion is about an acute situation arising this year from a unique set of circumstances. 

Tinwheeler replied on 03/09/2020 00:24

Posted on 03/09/2020 00:00 by SeasideBill

Well actually it does, this discussion is about an acute situation arising this year from a unique set of circumstances. 

Posted on 03/09/2020 00:24

Well, I beg to differ as I've seen the same complaints year after year on here. So, Seaside, we'll have to agree to disagree.

Also, the thread is about booking problems, not price comparisons if you really want to get back to the original topic.

Justus2 replied on 03/09/2020 07:01

Posted on 02/09/2020 23:18 by SeasideBill

So, for example. If you wanted to stay near Malvern and there were two sites next to each other, one CMC and the other CCC. Assuming (like me) you were members of both, would you choose CMC even though it was £9 a night more expensive for the same facilities?

Posted on 03/09/2020 07:01

I would book the cheapest if the sites were near to each other, we in fact recently stayed  at Sandringham C&CC in preference to this club's site which is just around the corner. I would normally do so again but I am not alone in finding the C&CC booking system and website extremely problematic at the moment and wonder if that is having an impact on the levels of booking with this club. After many attempts and fault reports I have now given up with bookings with C&CC for this year, it just isn't working, which for us has resulted in 24 nights booking with CAMC for the autumn months. I expect others who are members of both clubs may have done the same which may well have impacted on CAMC booking levels.

JVB66 replied on 03/09/2020 08:10

Posted on 02/09/2020 22:36 by SeasideBill

That certainly is an element, why offer discounts or competitive pricing when you don’t need to? 

Posted on 03/09/2020 08:10

Competitive pricing is very subjective ,as it depends whether the product is not so already ,which if not so would have "customers " filling other places that it  seems is not the case , as we have found for next week

JVB66 replied on 03/09/2020 08:18

Posted on 03/09/2020 07:01 by Justus2

I would book the cheapest if the sites were near to each other, we in fact recently stayed  at Sandringham C&CC in preference to this club's site which is just around the corner. I would normally do so again but I am not alone in finding the C&CC booking system and website extremely problematic at the moment and wonder if that is having an impact on the levels of booking with this club. After many attempts and fault reports I have now given up with bookings with C&CC for this year, it just isn't working, which for us has resulted in 24 nights booking with CAMC for the autumn months. I expect others who are members of both clubs may have done the same which may well have impacted on CAMC booking levels.

Posted on 03/09/2020 08:18

We joined the ccc ,then realised that what you get for your membership was by far "lost"by the problems we also found  with their booking system

plus for us the membership was much more expensivecool ,


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