Booking difficulty for pre covid members

Redzed32 replied on 30/08/2020 10:25

Posted on 30/08/2020 10:25

With the onslaught of the covid virus and the massive restrictions on foreign travel , it appears not only that the existing membership are filling up club sites , but I suspect also a large influx of new members are too . This is great for the campsites , as they have all faced a very difficult season this year . However , I am experiencing that finding pitches now is very difficult , and a great deal of the sites that could be booked a month in advance previously are full to the end of the season . This obviously makes me question whether membership is actually worth it now , as so far this summer after about  6 weekend breaks , I have realised that none of these were possible through the club . 

This is obviously very disheartening , but there is a much bigger concern at play here , and that is next years bookings . No one has a crystal ball regarding the impact of covid , and we cannot predict what will happen next month , far less what will happen next year . We have the possibility of much of next years sites being booked up by people who would normally holiday abroad , and taking advantage of the booking system . If this occurs , and next year we have little or no travel restrictions , we will end up with a situation again where pre covid members cannot get pitches , and the sites will have a whole load of pre-booked vacant pitches . 

Can I ask ; are other members here experiencing this as well ? And Also ; Does the club itself have concerns about the possibility of the above situation occurring , and how to address this ? 

brue replied on 01/09/2020 17:51

Posted on 01/09/2020 13:59 by

It would have been less complicated to have stopped at home but this is not a rehearsal we only live once cool

Posted on 01/09/2020 17:51

I'm sure there's a certain Mr Bond who thinks "You Only Live Twice" but in the meantime I'm doing my best. wink

replied on 01/09/2020 18:22

Posted on 01/09/2020 17:51 by brue

I'm sure there's a certain Mr Bond who thinks "You Only Live Twice" but in the meantime I'm doing my best. wink

Posted on 01/09/2020 18:22

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GETPoole replied on 02/09/2020 18:07

Posted on 02/09/2020 18:07

I managed to find a September week in Devon without too much difficulty by booking a couple of weeks ago. Although a bit frustrating that the usual range isn’t available at this time of year, it’s worth remembering that new members and lots of site take-up keeps the Club and our sites viable. I do hope though that those who have booked actually turn up.  My hope is that the increased interest continues.

cyberyacht replied on 02/09/2020 20:06

Posted on 02/09/2020 20:06

Back in July I put together a tour incorporating Club sites, Commercials and CL's with a couple of car parks thrown in for good measure. Compared to organising the previous two years trips to the continent, it was decidedly stressful chasing around trying to get a pitch. Roll on when we can get back to touring on a whim "over there".

replied on 02/09/2020 20:41

Posted on 02/09/2020 20:06 by cyberyacht

Back in July I put together a tour incorporating Club sites, Commercials and CL's with a couple of car parks thrown in for good measure. Compared to organising the previous two years trips to the continent, it was decidedly stressful chasing around trying to get a pitch. Roll on when we can get back to touring on a whim "over there".

Posted on 02/09/2020 20:41

The user and all related content has been deleted

SeasideBill replied on 02/09/2020 20:53

Posted on 02/09/2020 20:41 by

Very stressful indeed. I wonder where "being unable to get a pitch on a CAMC site" features in the tables of "life's most stressful events"?

Posted on 02/09/2020 20:53

It’s not as traumatic as discovering my local has run out of salt & vinegar crisps!

SeasideBill replied on 02/09/2020 20:55

Posted on 02/09/2020 18:07 by GETPoole

I managed to find a September week in Devon without too much difficulty by booking a couple of weeks ago. Although a bit frustrating that the usual range isn’t available at this time of year, it’s worth remembering that new members and lots of site take-up keeps the Club and our sites viable. I do hope though that those who have booked actually turn up.  My hope is that the increased interest continues.

Posted on 02/09/2020 20:55

Viable or oversubscribed?

My hope is that the increased interest goes away and we can get back to normal which suited me just fine.

Cornersteady replied on 02/09/2020 21:12

Posted on 02/09/2020 21:12

There certainly are an increased number of posts and threads complaining about not being able to get a pitch on a club site ( and makes the idea of club sites being 'expensive' a little null and void) but as to the questions by the OP in order:

I've found no difficulty in booking up into next year but would suggest one starts asap.

I have no idea if the club is concerned, all it will look at is increased income to make up for a poor year up to the start of July.

SeasideBill replied on 02/09/2020 21:26

Posted on 02/09/2020 21:12 by Cornersteady

There certainly are an increased number of posts and threads complaining about not being able to get a pitch on a club site ( and makes the idea of club sites being 'expensive' a little null and void) but as to the questions by the OP in order:

I've found no difficulty in booking up into next year but would suggest one starts asap.

I have no idea if the club is concerned, all it will look at is increased income to make up for a poor year up to the start of July.

Posted on 02/09/2020 21:26

and makes the idea of club sites being 'expensive' a little null and void

No it doesn’t.

Cornersteady replied on 02/09/2020 21:30

Posted on 02/09/2020 21:26 by SeasideBill

and makes the idea of club sites being 'expensive' a little null and void

No it doesn’t.

Posted on 02/09/2020 21:30

Well my view certainly and backed up by an example why.

Perhaps you could say why and how you think not?

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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