Booking date for 2017 bookings

replied on 04/09/2016 13:49

Posted on 04/09/2016 13:49


Can you tell me the date bokings open for after March 2017 please? I'm sure its on the site somewhere but I can't find it.

Many thanks

replied on 24/11/2016 10:16

Posted on 24/11/2016 10:16

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

replied on 24/11/2016 10:22

Posted on 24/11/2016 10:22

I had to pay up front for a 5 night stay at a site ealier this year £150!

Fozzie replied on 24/11/2016 10:31

Posted on 24/11/2016 10:31

Each to their own, obviously, but, personally I can't think of anything worse than booking a "honeypot" CC site when it's going to be full, even more so if it involves taking part in frenzy day madness!


If you want a 'honeypot' site they will usually be full when you arrive hence why they are descibed as 'honepot'. Actually there are none that I wish to use.

I can never understand why anybody considers booking start day to be a day of madness. I have 4 sites to book by phone and 18 club site bookings. I shan't be frenzied. I will sit down quietly, probably with my second coffee of the day, and book the sites. I expect to take around 5 mins per site on average. Can't see any madness in that. Seems very civilised to me

Write your comments here...You must admit ET not everyone is organised as you are.

To be told you have to book a honeypot site (Broadway) on a Bank Holiday weekend for a family wedding,when you are out of the country on the booking frenzy day does make this system slightly stressful.

 Moreton in Marsh was a second option.

Frenzy day is like marmite you even love it or hate it.


SteveL replied on 24/11/2016 11:42

Posted on 24/11/2016 11:42

Each to their own, obviously, but, personally I can't think of anything worse than booking a "honeypot" CC site when it's going to be full, even more so if it involves taking part in frenzy day madness!



Depends on the site, Baltic Wharf is almost always totally full. So the only difference is the number of people per unit, more kids at weekends and in holidays. However, with sites like that you are going for its location, not to sit about outside your caravan.

KeefySher replied on 24/11/2016 11:59

Posted on 24/11/2016 11:59

Each to their own, obviously, but, personally I can't think of anything worse than booking a "honeypot" CC site when it's going to be full, even more so if it involves taking part in frenzy day madness!



Depends on the site, Baltic Wharf is almost always totally full. So the only difference is the number of people per unit, more kids at weekends and in holidays. However, with sites like that you are going for its location, not to sit about outside your caravan.

We've got into BW twice now. The first time we booked on the Sunday before arriving on the Friday. The next visit over February half term was booked online the following week.

We got into Chatsworth the first week of the school summer holidays, booking 3 weeks beforehand.

If I were a conspiracy theorist, I could imagine frenzy day is bandied about by all those block bookers who cancel in the allotted time without penalty and so don't show in any data issued by CC, and ensure frenzy day happens Tongue Out

In the interests of research I may be engaging in frenzy day if only to dispel any conspiracy theories Tongue Out

JVB66 replied on 24/11/2016 12:24

Posted on 24/11/2016 12:24

Each to their own, obviously, but, personally I can't think of anything worse than booking a "honeypot" CC site when it's going to be full, even more so if it involves taking part in frenzy day madness!



Depends on the site, Baltic Wharf is almost always totally full. So the only difference is the number of people per unit, more kids at weekends and in holidays. However, with sites like that you are going for its location, not to sit about outside your caravan.

We've got into BW twice now. The first time we booked on the Sunday before arriving on the Friday. The next visit over February half term was booked online the following week.

We got into Chatsworth the first week of the school summer holidays, booking 3 weeks beforehand.

If I were a conspiracy theorist, I could imagine frenzy day is bandied about by all those block bookers who cancel in the allotted time without penalty and so don't show in any data issued by CC, and ensure frenzy day happens Tongue Out

In the interests of research I may be engaging in frenzy day if only to dispel any conspiracy theories Tongue Out

...We only ever book any site on "frenzy"if it is one of the very busy sites and we need a specific date, and if not done may mean having to look for a cancelation

peedee replied on 24/11/2016 12:39

Posted on 24/11/2016 12:39

Only the Club can give you the reason but there has been plenty of discussion about it if you search the threads.


Just to save you searching, plenty of previous comment for you to peruse

Suggest a better booking process (awaiting comment from the Club)

Cancellation Policy - thoughts

Booking Statistics ( supplied by the Club)

 Good morning, as promised I have some more figures from you. These figures were correct at the beginning of November and differ from those in the December magazine AMM report as these figures were to September. Hopefully these may help dispel some of the myths around peak booking day with actually very few of the overall pitches being sold on that day.

  1. 18,000 members booked on the day – less than 5% of the total membership
  2. 69,000 bookings were made on the day
  3. 38 members made over 10 bookings on Peak booking day however in general they have fulfilled these bookings. Most members only make 1 or 2.
  4. The average number of bookings per member was 3.5. Those who booked appreciably more are being monitored
  5. The number of bookings on the day represents less than 13% of the total bookings in 2011 and less than 10% of the total availability for the year.
  6. The number of cancellations has dropped by over 14,000 since 2011 and late cancellations by over 7500 bookings (this varies from the report in the December magazine as those were figures to September). There have been approximately 52,000 late cancellations in 2012.
  7. Total no shows for 2012 are just short of 4,000
  8. The average duration of a stay is 5.5 days i.e. more than a weekend
  9. A member can’t book more than one site for the same time

10. Only a handful of sites sell certain popular dates out completely The most popular sites include Chatsworth, Black Knowl, Southport, Hillhead,Rowntree Park and the New Forest.

11. We have suspended 20 members during 2012 due to the new late cancellation policy


Further comment with some cancellation figures for 4 popular sites are at


The Club isn't going to change so either join in and do as others tdo or look elsewhere


young thomas replied on 24/11/2016 13:26

Posted on 24/11/2016 13:26

I had to pay up front for a 5 night stay at a site ealier this year £150!

dont you pay upfront for all your CC stays?....we, and every other user, does soWink

some 'other places' allow you to pay once you've decided you're going to leaveHappy 

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