Time to roll back to previous forum?

young thomas replied on 15/12/2016 08:54

Posted on 15/12/2016 08:54

it  looks like CC is performing its 'user acceptance' testing of the new forum in the live environment, ie we are testing it (and pointing out the myriad faults) in full public gaze...

this is (or should be) very embarrassing for those concerned, as all this 'testing' (and that is whats being done) should have been completed in a parallel testing environment, and have had a group of 'real' users giving it a damn good stress test for a good while....

im afraid what we have in full view is not fit for purpose and i suggest the CC eats Humble Pie and reverts to the previous forum so that all this work on the new forum can be completed where it should always have been....in private....

attempting to fire fight is always difficult, especially where so many users are bombarding the IT team with so many faults.....repairing these in real time will be difficult and will put the team under more time pressure, time that can be measured by everyone on the forum.

do this in the test environment and roll it out again when its functionality is properly understood and there is a decent team of experienced users helping to test it and sign it off properly....

whichever decision the club makes, i wish them luck, but they have put themselves between a rock and a hard place.....

however, sometimes, we have to admit we got it wrong, big up and get it sorted.....in private.

moulesy replied on 16/12/2016 09:24

Posted on 16/12/2016 09:24

I have to agree with Steve L. I found the new site very cumbersome and slow to start with but now, after trying things for 2 or 3 days, I think it is a distinct improvement on the old one. In particular the ability to add photos easily is great and the spell checker seems to work. Those were two of the major grumbles with the old forum and they've been sorted out.

OK it's not perfect and t's not as easy to use as some other forums, but if the glitches are now sorted out as soon as they're reported, it's heading in the right direction. Personally, I can't see the point in reverting to the old site which attracted so many complaints so often!

young thomas replied on 16/12/2016 09:45

Posted on 16/12/2016 09:45

M, apart from the adding of photos (which requires a resize process of some sort) and the spellchecker that i dont seem to have come across (unless its something behind the scenes making this typing incredibly slow.....), to me everything else is a backward step....

legibility, navigation issues, unbelivably cumbersome proces to 'get signed in and back to original position'.....

im sorry but i dont share the enthusiasm of some, the delivered item should, at the very least, be working....even if we dont agree with the functionality thats there or not.

imagine your car mechanic asking you to test your cars brakes..

..".Ive fiddled about a bit, not sure if theyre working, youll find out at the first bend, let me know and ill fix them when ive got time...."

Firedragon replied on 16/12/2016 09:48

Posted on 16/12/2016 08:21 by JohnM20

A couple of years ago, the Scout Association, (a somewhat bigger organisation than the CC), launched a new IT system for nationally keeping records. This was to be used by Scout groups themselves, not just head office. However, when a fairly major glitch was found in the system by Scout leaders using it the Association had the good grace to quickly take the system down again until everything was sorted. This took well over a year to get everything right but was thoroughly re-tested by many actual users before it was re-launched as a live system.

Posted on 16/12/2016 09:48

So you would prefer us to be without a site at all for an unspecified (long) term just because you don't want to help with suggestions for improvements? That sounds a tad selfish to me and hardly practical for the Club after all this site is not just a forum, would you have them take down the whole booking system too surprised


JayEss replied on 16/12/2016 09:51

Posted on 16/12/2016 09:51

The trouble is that many of the reported issues are platform specific. 

If I use the site on my PC using chrome it's pretty good. If I use it on my iPhone with safari it's dreadful. 

So I tend to think that the basic framework is there. 

Bit more testing with various browsers wouldn't hurt but there's so many out there I'd go for the common ones. 

brue replied on 16/12/2016 09:53

Posted on 16/12/2016 09:53

BB the spell checker is an automatic one, underlining mis-spelt words in red on my laptop. It's the usual  Americanised one so when I type "Americanised" it want me to replace the s with a z. But otherwise it's working ok.

brue replied on 16/12/2016 10:03

Posted on 16/12/2016 09:51 by JayEss

The trouble is that many of the reported issues are platform specific. 

If I use the site on my PC using chrome it's pretty good. If I use it on my iPhone with safari it's dreadful. 

So I tend to think that the basic framework is there. 

Bit more testing with various browsers wouldn't hurt but there's so many out there I'd go for the common ones. 

Posted on 16/12/2016 10:03

That might be one of the the main issues JayEss and also whether the devices are up to date etc. Our Android phones certainly don't have the latest advancements on them  and this is where I can see problems occurring (I think) it would be good to get some technical advice on this.


SteveL replied on 16/12/2016 10:08

Posted on 16/12/2016 09:53 by brue

BB the spell checker is an automatic one, underlining mis-spelt words in red on my laptop. It's the usual  Americanised one so when I type "Americanised" it want me to replace the s with a z. But otherwise it's working ok.

Posted on 16/12/2016 10:08

It does not do that on the iPad brue. However, if you miss spell it does suggest alternatives, which you can accept or reject. Not infallible, but if you miss something and when reading through, think that does not look right. If touched a wrongly spelled word is highlighted in pink and alternatives suggested. 

It did do all this on the old version, but some of the things it came up with were incredible. Now it is 100% better.

I also really like that it puts an apostrophe in automatically, for things like don't, as on the iPad this used to involve calling up a second keyboard.

Kennine replied on 16/12/2016 10:10

Posted on 16/12/2016 10:10

I believe that all new software implementations should be thoroughly tested and passed as meeting the required criteria for use by the customer base. No matter what platform the customers are using to access the software.

In this, the new CC software has been considered by most members on here as disappointing. 

Nothing will change. The CC has the system it wants, has planned for and has implemented.    The customers will just have to live with it -----OR --------Use the CC Facebook option,   A cynic might say that was the plan all along, but I don't subscribe to that theory.

No doubt with a bit of workaround which CC forum members are familiar with from the old forum this new software will be equally useable.  So the future is not so bad, it ain't worth worrying about.


brue replied on 16/12/2016 10:14

Posted on 16/12/2016 10:14

Thanks Steve, I don't know what people are using to access the site, I presume predictive text kicks in for some on phones (if it's been enabled.)

Surfer replied on 16/12/2016 10:52

Posted on 16/12/2016 10:52

I think it is a very valiant attempt by someone learning about website design and they should be commended by Specsavers as most of us will probably want to visit Specsavers to have our eyesight checked.

BTW is it April Fool's day already?

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