Time to roll back to previous forum?

young thomas replied on 15/12/2016 08:54

Posted on 15/12/2016 08:54

it  looks like CC is performing its 'user acceptance' testing of the new forum in the live environment, ie we are testing it (and pointing out the myriad faults) in full public gaze...

this is (or should be) very embarrassing for those concerned, as all this 'testing' (and that is whats being done) should have been completed in a parallel testing environment, and have had a group of 'real' users giving it a damn good stress test for a good while....

im afraid what we have in full view is not fit for purpose and i suggest the CC eats Humble Pie and reverts to the previous forum so that all this work on the new forum can be completed where it should always have been....in private....

attempting to fire fight is always difficult, especially where so many users are bombarding the IT team with so many faults.....repairing these in real time will be difficult and will put the team under more time pressure, time that can be measured by everyone on the forum.

do this in the test environment and roll it out again when its functionality is properly understood and there is a decent team of experienced users helping to test it and sign it off properly....

whichever decision the club makes, i wish them luck, but they have put themselves between a rock and a hard place.....

however, sometimes, we have to admit we got it wrong, big up and get it sorted.....in private.

Ken and Lorn replied on 04/01/2017 04:03

Posted on 04/01/2017 04:03

Sorry but I too seem to be missing the spell checker, on my tablet anyway.  It has taken me ages tk write this having to keep reading rereading and rereading everything and repeated rereadings.  my problem is that when I'm reading it the eyes reads wht it is supposed to say rather than what it actually is, so typos are often missed, wh.  hich is quite embarrassing for me.  Havingg typos highlighted in some way is a great help in recognising them, even if it argued that an 's' should be a 'z' lol

Not sure if its a new addition but I do like how the original first post is now on every page if replies so one can check what the original post was without having to go back to the very beginning before replying.

However, on the negative side I do miss the box at the side which gave a list of all of our recent posts, which I found navigating to see if there have been any replies to our posts a great help, especially if Ken posts a question and forgets to let me know so I can check for replies.

With a site with as many subscribers as this is would be impossible to please everyone , and thejse of professional checkers would in ur extra costs, thus possibly giving the knocked on effect of causing membership fees to be increased possibiliy.  Volunteer beta tezters would be a possible solution, especially if they also included the utilising of numerous browsers/devices/platcormz 

Sorry for any typos I've checked through it several times but am bound to have missed some.


(The better half of Ken and Lorn :p)

Bugs replied on 04/01/2017 08:01

Posted on 03/01/2017 23:41 by Kennine

It is every forum member's duty to feedback to those who are running a forum when faults and glitches occur.  

Im surprised you disagree with members helping the forum management in their endeavours.

Cheers..........K laughingwink


Posted on 04/01/2017 08:01

I'd be surprised too - if I'd actually said or done any of that - in any of my posts.

But clearly I haven't!




dmiller555 replied on 04/01/2017 08:14

Posted on 03/01/2017 23:41 by Kennine

It is every forum member's duty to feedback to those who are running a forum when faults and glitches occur.  

Im surprised you disagree with members helping the forum management in their endeavours.

Cheers..........K laughingwink


Posted on 04/01/2017 08:14

If management were interested in the many problems being experienced on this apology for a website forum then they would have both asked for feed-back and made it easier to provide by opening a thread specifically to request it.

The fact that they seem to be ignoring the many problems does not bode well. 

Bugs replied on 04/01/2017 08:19

Posted on 04/01/2017 08:14 by dmiller555

If management were interested in the many problems being experienced on this apology for a website forum then they would have both asked for feed-back and made it easier to provide by opening a thread specifically to request it.

The fact that they seem to be ignoring the many problems does not bode well. 

Posted on 04/01/2017 08:19

Cornersteady replied on 04/01/2017 08:55

Posted on 04/01/2017 08:55

It seems a shame that no matter what version of CT there is there are those who attack the mods (Bugs in this case) rather than CT itself.

This rather than the state of Ct will put people off the club and posting on here!

IMHO of course

young thomas replied on 04/01/2017 09:16

Posted on 04/01/2017 08:19 by Bugs

Posted on 04/01/2017 09:16

yes, we know issues were asked for, and they have been supplied, ad nauseum.....

and why? because there is no visible definitve recorded list of issues that enables a user to know of his/her issue has already been noted.

surely, this should be a prominently displayed piece of information...a sticky post at the head of this thread, perhaps....

otherwise, a poster discovering an issue themselves for the first time, will report it....only to be told that this issue 'has already been noted and changes are being implemented'....

what a waste of everyone's time.

is it, perhaps, that the list is so long that it wont fit on a page, or that it would show that some of the faults have already been 'edited out' of the fix list?

its not rocket science, just two things....good project practice and good communications....

both are the club's fortésundecided

PS, imdont think anyone is knocking Bugs specifically, merely the poor paractices displayed in this project roll out.....

Metheven replied on 04/01/2017 09:16

Posted on 04/01/2017 09:16

Certainly there are some unsavoury people on here that relish in personal attacks, and that is a 'bug' that came over with the old site that could have been squashed before releasing this one.

KeefySher replied on 04/01/2017 09:54

Posted on 04/01/2017 09:54

Can't find a thread to report clunks in the new sooper dooper website, so will post here.

Until yesterday my use of the CC Website for looking at bookings, CC sites details especially locations and of course the mine of information and source of joviality that forums should be Club Together; was on a Mac Book Pro via Safari and El Capitan OS (I have learned over decades to not ever update software for a few months after the IT kiddies have been playing about as they invariably mess IT up).

Yesterday as I was oop north for a funeral, thought I would use my iPad on iOS 9 and safari to catch up on CT and look in the area I was in for future visits.

In respect of CT logging in was slow with several taps required to get pages to load, not knowing if the taps had been positive. The spull chucker didn't work as my longish response to a thread on a Tourag, that in itself timed out whilst typing. To establish which threads I'd read it was easier to go by date/time as there was no valid notification of 'new' posts.

I then attempted to find the CC site adjacent to the MacArthur Glen shopping complex at Cheshire Oaks that was, from memory designated Chester CC site, using Chester as the search location. It didn't come up. I then tried via the POI system in the car sat nag, again using Chester as the search town. I was twixt and between a hotel wifi connection and a 4G mobile phone tether and the cars connection vis its navigation system, the only reason I have a mobile device is to use it whilst mobile, as strange a concept as that may seem. I gave up trying to find the Chester CC site by technology tools and drove there. It is not actually in Chester, but Ellesmere Port. Had I entered Ellesmere Port in the technology, as I did once sat in a coffee shop and the car park using the 2 different devices it would have shown up. Have the CC IT kiddies previously worked for Ryanair with their airports being in different countries to the cities they claim the airports are in?

The result of this escapade into research of the capability of the new sooper dooper CC web offering IMHO is its a dogs breakfast and for casual visitors can only show the CC in a poor light. Or to use another shopping centre analogy, the CC appears one of those vinyl covered shop windows that are masquerading as a hip, cool and trendy retail experience, but is actually a false picture hiding a derelict waste of unused and unwanted space. In our local sooper dooper shopping centre the avenues with the vinyl facades attract no footfall. Is that the true message the CC wish to display to the world of families wanting value for money holiday experiences?

Must do better.


Whilst attempting to post this I was locked out of CT, CT froze for about 5 minutes and I had to log back in from the start again. Not very good a user experience despite perseverance. How many casual visitors or prospective members would actually have the patience to hang around and be enticed in? I doubt very many.

Just had to edit out repeat blocks of text in the above. It's certainly clunky.

young thomas replied on 04/01/2017 10:09

Posted on 04/01/2017 10:09

you have stumbled across another error manifest on the ipad....

on the old forum, being timed out during the typing of a post actually allowed ypu to complete the job, only for the post to completely disappear, with you logged out....

on this version, it again allows the typing to be completed but, on pressing the reply button, it just sits there, locked....

you are logged out, but cant complete the post...

if you can manage a copy/paste, you can then press back, find the log in screen, log in, refind your post, paste in the reply and then actually post it...

yes, its different, but equally 'tricky'....

Kennine replied on 04/01/2017 10:26

Posted on 04/01/2017 10:26

By this time the feedback from forum members will have enabled the Moderators to supply the Forum manager with an up to date definitive list of member's concerns about glitches and functionality issues of this new forum. 

I suggest it would be helpful to, (as a sticky thread on the forum), publish the list  as it now stands.  so allowing members to provide further feedback on issues not already highlighted. 

As members we will want to assist the Forum administrators improve the forum functionality by the means of such feedback. 



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